
  • How Death Can Set You Free

    We had a good friend pass away recently. And dealing with that reality gave us insights into how to live our fullest life.

    The reality of life is that one day, we will all transition. Our unwillingness to deal with this reality keeps us from living life to the fullest. We misperceive the permanent for the impermanent and the impermanent for the permanent.

    What we mean by this is that we live our lives as if everything will remain as it is. When we go out of the house, we assume we will come back. The reality is that we don’t know. Our time is limited, and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Live life to the fullest today. 

    If there is anything that you’ve always wanted, do it today. How do you go about life to the fullest? One is by taking care of your unfinished business because you never know when it will be too late. Two, let the people in your life how you feel about them, and three, don’t hesitate to go for the things that you love in life.

    Tune in to this episode and learn how to live life to the fullest by acknowledging your own mortality.

    Key Takeaways

    • Misperceiving the impermanent for the permanent and vice versa (01:37)
    • Celebrating the life of one of our friends (02:02)
    • Live life to the fullest today; tomorrow is not guaranteed (04:16)
    • Do what you have always wanted today (06:37)
    • Would you live your life differently if you knew when you are going to pass? (08:13)
    • Take care of your unfinished business today (09:35)
    • The biggest regret people on their death bed have (10:47)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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  • Run Straight Into The Abyss - Lessons From the "Rise Up Live 2020" Event

    During this event, we delved deep into financial stuff, which was awesome, but what really struck us was one bit of information that we found to be super relevant to us as Yogis. It was referred to as the Abyss Concept.

    What holds many people back from achieving their dreams is the Abyss. We love the comfortable and the known; the Abyss is on the other side of this. We have to get out of our comfort zones and get into the unknown to grow. Taking a journey into the unknown is difficult and may scare us, the temptation to go back will be high, but if we really want to grow, we must forge ahead into the unknown terrain.

    When you step into the unknown, you'll suck at the beginning. You have to be willing to be bad at something to learn new things and grow. The biggest obstacle to growth is not willing to suck at something. Not willing to step out of your comfort zone will hold you back from your dreams.

    Key Takeaways

    • The concept of the Abyss (04:13)
    • Taking a journey into the unknown to grow (04:58)
    • The only way you can achieve your goals (06:26)
    • If you are not willing to suck, you'll never be good at anything (10:41)
    • In our quest to grow, we have to get uncomfortable (11:52)
    • The only person who can get you out of the Abyss is a better version of yourself (13:18)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    15 分
  • 3 Questions To Get You Through Difficult Times And Connect You To What's Real

    In this episode of The Awakened Life Podcast, Chris and John discuss the 3 questions that help you get to the core of who you are, what you want in life, and how you can serve.

    One of the greatest Yoga teachers, Patanjali, said that whenever we are solely identified with our ego, we bind ourselves to the things that do not have a permanent reality. These things may be our jobs, relationships, bodies, or material possessions, which then lead us to a sea of distress, unhappiness, and illness. Remembering the real you in is not trapped in these things is the key to real joy and freedom.

    To find our real selves, we need to answer these three powerful questions. Who am I? What do I want? and How can I serve? When you are able to answer these three questions, you get in touch with your spirit, which is the true goal of Yoga. These three questions shift your internal reference point from ego to spirit.

    Click Play on this episode to learn more about how you can answer these three questions to you're your real self and shift from ego to spirit?

    Key Takeaways

    • What are you identifying with? Are you identifying with that will lead to suffering (07:07)
    • Getting in touch with your spirit is the true goal of Yoga (09:25)
    • The three questions that shift your internal reference point from ego to spirit (10:03)
    • If it can be taken away from you, it's not you (10:20)
    • Are you adrift in your life without a destination (11:19)
    • When we get aligned with what we want, we see a bigger grander vision of our lives (12:32)
    • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others (14:22)
    • How this simple but powerful exercise can change your life (15:56)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    17 分
  • Is Yoga A Religion? What's The Difference Between Spirituality And Religion?

    What is the difference between religion and spirituality? Is yoga a religion? If you have often searched for answers to these questions, then look no further. In this episode, we talk about all these concepts, what they mean, and how they relate to your life.

    Religion is the belief and worship of a higher power. Spirituality is the focus on the spirit or the soul above materialism and the physical world. You can have a spiritual experience inside a religion. Spirituality is an individual experience while religion is a group experience.

    In spirituality, you can connect to a higher power through your spirit and soul by employing techniques such as yoga. In religion, you worship the higher power and only connect to it through someone else. Someone like a priest, pastor, monk, etc. 

    Yoga is a spiritual practice. The essence behind spirituality is freedom. We are freed from misperceptions of what we think life is about. We are then aligned with what is real.

    Key Takeaways 

    • The importance of meditation (06:44)
    • Yoga predates all known religions (09:00)
    • What is the difference between religion and spirituality (09:45)
    • Religion is a group experience while spirituality is an individual experience (11:29)
    • The biggest difference between spirituality and religion (12:11)
    • We have the power within ourselves to make that connection to radically transform our lives (17:17)
    • How to make your life have a lot less drama; align with what's real (18:01)
    • The essence behind spirituality is freedom (21:14)
    • The value of religion is the group experience and community support (22:18)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    26 分
  • Security Is An Illusion - Make A Living Doing What You Love

    Did you know that 85% of full-time employees in the world are unsatisfied with their job? As astonishing as it sounds, this is the reality. This translates to about one billion people. These people don’t love the jobs they go to each morning.

    The majority of us think we have to work on a job we hate to make money so that then we can do what we love. Why not go straight into what you love doing? You may be tempted to answer that it is the job and financial security you are looking for, but this is a mind construct. Security is an illusion. The COVID pandemic has wiped off millions of jobs that were previously considered ‘secure’ just as it happened with the depression in 2008.

    The time to move in the direction of what you love doing is now. The Awakened Life Formula helps us with this. We get up each morning, move our bodies then sit still and meditate. This sets our mindset in the morning and helps us know exactly what we want, where we are going, and what we need to do to get there.

    Listen in to this episode to learn how the Awakened Life Formula can help you move in the direction of what you love doing. 

    Key Takeaways

    • 85% of full-time employees in the world (about 1 billion) are unsatisfied with their job (01:28)
    • Job security is a mind construct and an illusion (03:12)
    • Moving in the direction of what you love doing (05:07)
    • The Awakened Life Formula to win your day and move in the direction of what you love (06:26)
    • What gets you excited and sparks you to get up in the morning (07:37)
    • Being focused on where you want to go (08:56)
    • How to visualize or model where you want to go (09:10)
    • When there is a shift in the world like right now, focus on the opportunities that come up (10:15)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    12 分
  • Gone Are The Days Of Seeking Enlightenment In Caves (It's Time For The Householder To Wake Up)

    The bigger picture behind yoga is enlightenment. This seems a distant idea to many people but is it something that we should all be striving for. The ancient masters renounced the world to achieve enlightenment. They had to leave behind the worldly possessions and their families. They were in search of the meaning of life and their sense of self.

    For us, we do not have to renounce the world and leave our families, but we need to go after that experience of enlightenment. It is time for the householder to wake up. The normal people of this world have to seek the true meaning of life. They have to realize the real sense of self. This is what I am talking about in this episode.

    Its time for us to work in this world and walk towards enlightenment through meditation. I believe everyone should meditate. On the path to enlightenment, there are these moments of bliss, where we realize who we really are. This way, we don’t get lost in our relationships, our businesses, our careers.

    Tune in to this episode and learn how meditation tethers us to what’s real and makes us realize our sense of self on the path to enlightenment.

    Key Takeaways

    • What the ancient masters did to achieve enlightenment (02:22)
    • It is time for the householder to wake up (03:32)
    • Doing the work and walking towards enlightenment through meditation (04:03)
    • How meditation helps us realize our real sense of self (05:45)
    • Meditation helps us connect with our sense of self which makes us whole (09:38)
    • To teach is to demonstrate (10:47)
    • Tether your experience of who you are to something that is real (12:27)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    14 分
  • 3 Keys To Achieving Any Goal

    Having goals in life is very important. The people who do amazing things in life have clear goals put down in writing. They have a vision and know where they are going. The goals help them get there. It sounds simple but writing down your goals helps us move in the direction of achieving them because they are top of your mind on a daily basis. The goals become an affirmation.

    In this episode, I share with you the three key elements of achieving your goals. However, you need to clarify your goals first. You can’t achieve unclear goals. Many people don’t know what they want. That’s why it is important to be crystal clear on where you want to go, you’ll then set goals to get to that destination.

    Once you set clear goals, you need a process to achieve them. The S.A.M method is a powerful process that helps us achieve our goals. SAM stands for Scheduling, Accountability, and Measurable. Listen in to this episode as I dive deep and explain how to apply these three key elements to achieve your goals. 

    Key Takeaways

    • The importance of writing down your goals (01:35)
    • Clarifying your goals (02:55)
    • Being crystal clear on what you want and where you are going (05:09)
    • The S.A.M method and how it helps you achieve your goals (06:00)
    • Scheduling holds you to a different level of achieving your goals (08:02)
    • You have to hold yourself accountable (08:53)
    • Make your goals measurable by having a deadline  (11:10)
    • Persistence is more important than intensity (12:00)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    16 分
  • The Four Steps To Waking Up - How To Make Real Progress In Becoming More Conscious

    In this episode, Chris explains the meaning of waking up. More than physically being awake, we need to be conscious of our abilities to achieve our dreams and ditch the negative bias we are trained to believe.

    Chris breaks it down into four steps: unconscious unskillfulness, conscious unskillfulness, conscious skillfulness, unconscious skillfulness.  He teaches us how to break negative patterns and be aware that there is another way. Once we are conscious of the opportunity, we can track, find, and create the best versions of ourselves.

    Chris teaches us how past experiences can manipulate our focus and impact our behavior. He shows us how to alter our feelings related to those experiences and gives us the chance to grow from then rather than getting stuck in a pattern. Listen for more on this episode of the Awakened Life Podcast.

    Key Takeaways

    • The meaning of waking up (2:43)
    • Natures evolution impacting our way of thought  (4:07)
    • Unconscious unskillfulness (6:57)
    • Being conscious of your unskilfulness (8:59)
    • Conscious skillfulness (11:03)
    • The law of little things (11:30)
    • Unconscious skillfulness (14:30)
    • Creating new patterns in the future (17:14)

    Additional Resources

    Follow the immersion course on Facebook at here

    If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook Group! This is where we are diving into the concepts and strategies discussed on this podcast in more detail through our weekly Facebook Live sessions.


    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on  Apple,  Spotify, Google, or your favorite podcast app! Also, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts 

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    21 分