Every teenager seems to have a phone in their pocket, but should they? And how do we encourage healthy tech habits without falling into legalism?
In this episode we compare purity culture in the 90s with tech culture today.
0:00 - I kissed social media goodbye? Legalism and parenting.
10:56 - How bad are smartphones for teens?
18:00 - Freedom and the Search for Culture
29:09 - A Postive Vision for Life & Tech
40:05 - Maturing to Wisdom; Beyond Tech Rules
Links referenced:
- Jonathon Haidt's After Babel website.
- Haidt's book: The Anxious Generation How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
- Statistics on teen mental health that Andrew referenced.
- Andrew's other podcast: What Would Jesus Tech
- The Verge interview with Mark Zuckerberg
- Andrew's article on Parental Controls for your Child's Phone.
Word and Words is hosted by Wyatt Graham, Phil Cotnoir, and Andrew Noble.