Terzo e ultimo episodio di Talk Travel dedicato alle Isole Samoa Indipendenti: Lucia Angella sempre insieme a Eliseo Rossi ci racconterà del sud pacifico e di come è difficile raggiungere le isole via aereo, dei tatuaggi e della loro tradizione unica e conosciuta in tutto il mondo, dello sport praticato dalle comunità locali e della musica.
Third and last episode of Talk Travel dedicated to the Independent Samoa Islands: Lucia Angella always together with Eliseo Rossi will tell us about the South Pacific and how it is difficult to reach the islands by plane, about tattoos and their unique and world-known tradition, sport practiced by local communities and music.
Third and last episode of Talk Travel dedicated to the Independent Samoa Islands: Lucia Angella always together with Eliseo Rossi will tell us about the South Pacific and how it is difficult to reach the islands by plane, about tattoos and their unique and world-known tradition, sport practiced by local communities and music.