Apologies for the late show this month! The Man in the Red Glasses lost his voice due to illness for a while, but we're so happy to be back! This month, our theme is: Love.
Segments in This Episode:
Feature Story: Camp Sunrise
Meet Mr. C, an inspiring teacher who is helping students gain the skills they need for success in any environment. Mr. C is a caring educator who is passionate about the work of teaching.
Interview with Oregon High School Principal of the Year Erik Lathen(And 5 Favorites) IVHS Principal Erik Lathen has a reputation for being a devoted, caring leader, and also a bit of a goofball. He was kind enough to sit down with me twice to complete our interview. A couple of weeks later, he was named COSA's Oregon High School Principal of the Year!
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Email us with feedback or suggestions: stephen.winters@threerivers.k12.or.us
Visit our district website for more updates: 3riverssd.org
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