#34: Shawn Waugh at 'On The Level' continues to challenge all Americans to not be intellectually lazy. To be in tune with what is occurring around us everyday. The changes in America in just a few short months in America is astonishing. We are being mandated to get vaccines we may not want. We are paying upwards to $5.00 more per gallon of gasoline. Inflation is out of control. The supply chain is broken. The southern border is porous. And many Americans are sitting back relatively unaware. OTL is a way to quickly get updates without watching the party friendly cable or evening news. And get a few laughs while you're listening. Shawn discusses all of these current issues on this episode of 'On The Level: Where Spin Meets Sanity."
Website: https://onthelevel.online/
Twitter: @RealOnTheLevel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealOnTheLevel
"You can help the fools, but you can't help the damn fools!" ~Shawn Waugh