On this BONUS episode, Phillip and Chip talk about one of their favorite movies. This was an episode of their old podcast My Celluloid Heart Podcast which aired on May 12th 2021. This is not quite a Tarantino liked or recommended movie, but it is Tarantino adjacent. It was their 100th episode. They start the show by making corrections to the last episode. Then Phillip tells a story about how he planned a robbery like Hudson Hawk back around the time that this movie came out, but never pulled it off because he couldn't figure out what song to sing. Haha. Then they dive into the 1991 Bruce Willis passion project that is Hudson Hawk. They read listener opinions on what they think of the movie and they sprinkle in some facts about the movie throughout. This movie may not be everyone's favorite, but Phillip and Chip like it a lot. Hope you enjoy.