The mark of quality is the walk. Now, I couldn't have that mark of quality if I didn't have the Christ in me. That's the new birth.
Christ in you, the hope of glory, that's the new birth. That's the creation of God's spirit within you. But the walk is the mark of quality.
Just what kind of walk are you manifesting? What are you doing in your walk? Do you carry that mark of quality that the word requires we should carry as born-again sons and daughters of God? Brethren, it's in the walk. If a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual carry him up, tramp him down. No, but those that are spiritual do what? Restore.
And the word restore basically is the word correct. All scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, and what?
If any man think himself to be a prophet or what? Let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of what? The Lord. Right. And in that section, he has been talking about, would you all speak in tongues, a lot of other things.
If you're spiritual, you'll recognize that these are the commandments of the Lord. And if you're not spiritual, you'll argue about it, recognize and say, they're not things of the Lord. Now he's talking here in Galatians about a spiritual man.