In this Former Participant Series, Joanna interviews previously troubled teens and young adults who underwent a treatment program. Today, Joanna has Kyle Summers on the show. Kyle is the marketing and adventure program director at Lean In Recovery Center in Missoula, MT. He is also a Lean In Recovery Alumni from 2018 who has spent the last 3 years enhancing his professional and adventure skills while working in wilderness therapy. He continues to find purpose and connection during adventure in the great outdoors.
NOTE: The podcasts in this series can include sensitive subjects such as suicide, self-harm, substance abuse, hospitalizations, psychotic episodes, and other traumatic experiences which include parts of the treatment journey. No topic is off limits and not all stories are positive but they are real, raw, and transparent.
**Listener discretion is advised**
Podcast Episode #28 with Carsten McCarter
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Connect with Kyle Summers
Lean In Recovery Center
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