
  • How Truth Is Made

     The definition of truth is not clear cut in Judaism. Is there one "truth" to be grasped or is truth something more organic than that? After giving the Torah, does God have a say in changing the truth found in Jewish law? This class discusses this topic through the lens of the famous debate between Rabbi Eliezer The Great and his students. 

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    52 分
  • Surviving Spirituality With Law

    Jewish parables, refereed to as medrashim, are speckled throughout the Talmud. They're nuanced, esoteric, and captivating. They also contain within them the spirit of Judaism. This course discusses the power of metaphors and parables. It also discusses how Judaism relates to them. With a deep understanding of moral law, these texts open up to us a deep well of wisdom. Without that background, these metaphors remain closed to us, best case scenario. The worst case scenario is they destroy any chance of a truly spiritual life. Wisdom well used gives life. Wisdom misused ends it. 

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    55 分
  • Actualization Through Setting Limits

    Knowing what the right thing is and doing it are extremely different.  God revealed a higher purpose but Judaism's struggle is how to actualize that purpose. How do we build a better life for ourselves?  This class discusses how rabbinical additions to Jewish law actualize Judaism's purpose.  Rabbinic restriction is, in essence, what taps into divine meaning.  By struggling to make God’s law livable we are able to understand God's deeper purpose. 

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    44 分
  • Discovering Yourself

    Taking yourself seriously means realizing no one else who has ever lived can compare to you or what unique gifts you have to offer this world. Figuring out what that exactly means is no small job. This class offers some practical psychological advice in getting closer to understanding yourself and making the changes necessary to live your hero’s journey.

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    56 分
  • The Impossibility of Meaninglessness

    It’s no secret there’s a trend in the Western world towards meaninglessness and nihilism. Talk to any college aged teen and you’ll see they’re hard pressed to find a good reason to care about anything bigger than themselves or they know someone else that’s in that boat. Some possible causes are the dramatic rise in depression and anxiety or that old religious and communal institutions that provided a structure to make sense of the tragedies of life no longer speak to many. No matter the reason, to weather the storms life is filled with, a deeply held belief in meaning is key to turning back the tide. This class provides one paradoxical way to finding meaning that can only be found in suffering.

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    45 分
  • The Living Chain of Tradition

    Separating the Jewish people and it's cultural character from Jewish law isn't easy.  For thousands of years the culture has dedicated itself towards one primary goal - keeping the living word of God alive for each generation.  In the words of the famous psychologist Carl Jung, the Jewish people are perhaps the only society that has collectively made the infinite unconscious almost entirely conscious.  This class outlines what that chain of tradition is and the nuts and bolt of how it works.  Who were the different groups that kept Judaism going?  What did each contribute towards Jewish law?  What makes the Ashkenazi and Sephardi traditions different?

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    58 分
  • Climbing the Ladder of Tradition

    Being larger than the Encyclopedia Britannica it's an understatement to say the Talmud is  complicated text.  For the first few generations of it's existence it wasn't even written down but memorized.  So, it's not surprising its authors tried to build in memorization hacks in how they constructed it.  One hack is that it was created with a male personality type in mind.  This class takes on the issue of gender and tries to answer the question - what makes men and women different?

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    50 分
  • What Did Moses Know and When?

    Creating the world was probably one of the easier things God has done.  What's hard is going that next step and letting in all of humanity on "the plan."  This class outlines the five basic source tests to Judaism and struggles with the question of what each offers and how they are different.

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    44 分