Developments details Tim Siahatgar's Modular Housing System (MHS), a patented, award-winning structural aluminum framing design. MHS utilizes an interlocking clamp system for quick and easy assembly, promoting sustainable and efficient construction. The system is designed for modularity and flexibility, adaptable to various building types and geographic locations. Its lightweight design reduces transportation costs and construction complexity, while the reusable components enhance sustainability. Finally, the document provides contact information and links to learn more about MHS.
- MHS Building Systems offers an innovative and sustainable approach to modular construction using a unique structural aluminum framing system.
- The system addresses the challenges of connecting hollow aluminum extrusions, providing a strong, versatile, and efficient solution.
- MHS emphasizes sustainability through reduced material use, efficient transportation, minimal site impact, reusability, and adaptability.
- The system is designed for a wide range of applications and users, with potential for mass adoption.
- Websites: www.modularhousingsystems.com, www.kithaus.com