
  • K: Kiki the Keen Kakapo's Kiwi Quest

    Hi, it's Dallin again still in Book three. A friend of mine suggested that sharing a book with a friend and reading it to them is fun. Have you ever tried this?

    K: Kiki the Keen Kakapo's Kiwi Quest

    Where the Animals Speak... K is for Kakapo. Kakapos are flightless parrots that live in New Zealand.

    Kiki was a keen kakapo with bright green feathers, a gentle heart, and a love for exploring her forest home. She lived in a hidden part of the forest, where she spent her time walking along the ground, searching for delicious treats, and making new friends with all the other ground-dwelling animals. Kiki thought that it was always good to use her senses to explore the world, and wanted to show all of her friends how special her home was.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • J: Juniper the Jubilant Jerboa's Joyful Jaunt

    Hi, do you remember me? I'm Dallin and we are still in Book three. I always wonder if you are reading the book itself at the same time as listening to me ... I hope you are.

    J: Juniper the Jubilant Jerboa's Joyful Jaunt

    Where the Animals Speak... J is for Jerboa. Jerboas are rodents that are known for their long legs and hopping abilities.

    Juniper was a jubilant jerboa with long legs, big ears, and a love for hopping and exploring. She lived in a desert, where she spent her days leaping across the sand, discovering all the hidden paths, and making new friends along the way. Juniper always wanted to share her love of hopping, and to show the other animals how much fun it was to move your body and feel the freedom of movement.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • I: Iris the Industrious Indri's Island Investigation

    Hi again, I'm back, you might remember that my name is Dallin and here we go with the next story in Book three.

    I: Iris the Industrious Indri's Island Investigation

    Where the Animals Speak... I is for Indri. Indris are lemurs and are known for their loud calls.

    Iris was an industrious indri, a lemur with a black and white coat, long arms, and a love for exploring her island home. She lived in a hidden rainforest on a far away island. She spent her days leaping through the trees, calling out to her friends, and looking for new places to discover. Iris was eager to explore and to use her talents to help keep her island home safe.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • H: Harold the Hairy Hermit Crab's Hidden Haul

    Hi, my name is Dallin and I am lucky enough to be chosen to read the next few stories here in Book three.

    H: Harold the Hairy Hermit Crab's Hidden Haul

    Where the Animals Speak... H is for Hermit Crab. Hermit crabs are crustaceans that carry their homes on their backs.

    Harold was a hairy hermit crab with a soft body, big claws, and a love for exploring all the hidden parts of the beach. He spent his days scuttling along the sand, searching for new shells, and collecting all the amazing objects that the ocean had to offer. Harold loved to explore and thought the beach was the best place to find special hidden treasures.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • G: Gaia the Graceful Glass Frog's Gentle Glide

    Hi, this is Ana, are you ready? Are you still reading the book at the same time as listening to this story?

    G: Gaia the Graceful Glass Frog's Gentle Glide

    Where the Animals Speak... G is for Glass Frog. Glass frogs are known for their translucent skin, so that you can see their insides.

    Gaia was a graceful glass frog with smooth, translucent skin and a gentle spirit. She lived in a rainforest, where she spent her days leaping between leaves, exploring all the different heights of the trees, and making new friends. Gaia loved her special see-through skin, and she thought that the world would be a better place if everyone shared their special qualities.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • F: Finley the Frivolous Fossa's Forest Foray

    Hi, this is Ana, are you ready? Are you reading the book at the same time as listening to this story?

    F: Finley the Frivolous Fossa's Forest Foray

    Where the Animals Speak... F is for Fossa. Fossas are cat-like predators and live in Madagascar.

    Finley was a frivolous fossa with sharp claws, a long tail, and a love for exploring the forest with his friends. He lived in a large forest, where he spent his time jumping through the trees, running along the ground and making new friends along the way. Finley wanted to share his love for the forest with all the other animals and to show them the beauty of its many different spaces.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • E: Edgar the Elusive Echidna's Earthy Escapade

    Hi, this is Ana, are you ready, I wonder if you are reading the book at the same time as listening to this story?.

    E: Edgar the Elusive Echidna's Earthy Escapade

    Where the Animals Speak... E is for Echidna. Echidnas are spiny mammals, and are known for their long snouts.

    Edgar was an elusive echidna with a long, pointy snout, sharp spines, and a very curious nature. He lived in a hidden part of the forest, where he spent his time sniffing at the ground, exploring all the secret places, and looking for tasty treats. Edgar wanted to share his knowledge of the forest and to show all of his friends how beautiful it was to explore the hidden places.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分
  • D: Diego the Dextrous Dugong's Deep-Sea Dance

    Hi, this is Ana again and I will continue to be your reader, I hope you are enjoying the stories.

    D: Diego the Dextrous Dugong's Deep-Sea Dance

    Where the Animals Speak... D is for Dugong. Dugongs are gentle marine mammals and are known as sea cows.

    Diego was a dextrous dugong with a gentle smile, a playful spirit, and a love for dancing in the deep sea. He lived in a warm, ocean habitat, where he spent his days swimming gracefully through the water and making new friends. Diego always felt the need to move his body, and he thought that dancing was the best way to express yourself. He wanted all the other animals to feel this same joy.


    Story Time with our Animal Friends (3 Book Series): Where the Animals Speak

    by Christopher Smith

    This is Book 3

    This audio file is available free but if you would like to buy the eBook or Paper Back then please go to


    Welcome to a world where storytelling meets the alphabet! This unique collection of 26 enchanting animal stories, beginning with the phrase 'Where the Animals Speak...', offers a perfect blend of entertainment and education for young readers aged 5-8.

    ... and for ESL Readers


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    4 分