
  • Our Birthdays

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Our Birthdays, I encourage us to stop waiting for other people to make our birthday fabulous, start planning for and delivering our most amazing birthday and continue to mark the occasion, whatever that looks like!

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    From today's episode, the shout out is to Cheryl at 'Cake Cake Baby' find them on Facebook or Instagram.

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  • Packing for Holidays

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Packing for Holidays, I implore us to stop overpacking, start planning our clothing and continue being a good egg and sticking to airline rules when it comes to carry on items.

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    From today's episode, the shout out is to for the Closet App and the Foldie Bag - both have been super handy for me when packing to go on holiday!

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  • New Years Resolutions

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, New Years Resolutions, we stop putting of the starting (or stopping) that we want to do - we can start (or stop) it today! Like right now!! We can start putting together meaningful goals and continue to think about long term activities or tasks that we want to be able to do!

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    What is on your list to stop, start and continue into 2025?

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  • Christmas

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Christmas, I share my thoughts on the things we can stop doing at Christmas, like comparing ourselves to literally anyone on the internet. Also the things we can start doing, like making our Christmas meaningful for us. And the things we can continue to do like sharing the time with family, friends, or just enjoying our own company.

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

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  • Sleep

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Sleep, I share my thoughts on us stopping not getting enough sleep, starting to prioritise sleep, and continuing taking naps!

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    From today's episode, the shout out is to B-Pest Services.Their website is https://www.bpestservices.com.au/ or find them on instagram at @BPestServices.

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  • Our Clothing

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Our Clothing, we can stop trying to keep up with trends, start trying clothes on (because they always look different on the hanger!) and we can continue playing and experimenting with our style and the clothing we love!

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    From today's episode, the shout out is to Kel-K Styling. Find her instagram at @KelK.Styling or via the website https://kelkstyling.com.au/

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  • Self Development

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Self Development, I propose we stop thinking the only way to learn is by paying big bucks, we start using free or low cost learning resources, and we continue to seek out people who we can learn from and with.

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    From today's episode, the shout out is to Tressa of Tressa's Intuitive Therapies. Find her on Facebook or book directly with her via her online booking portal.

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  • Taking Photos and Having Photos Taken of You

    Welcome to Stop Start Continue - a Podcast where we unpack a topic using the Stop, Start and Continue tool to help us live our best lives!

    In this episode, Taking Photos and Having Photos Taken of You, I suggest we stop listening to the negative nellies who tell us not to take photos of the things we love, that we start getting in the photo, and that we continue to take photos of ourselves and the things that makes our hearts sing.

    Follow along at our new Insta-home at @Ms_Krissi_Marie for podcast and non-podcast related content.

    From today's episode, I have shouted out to the fabulous photographer, Naomi Nichols. Find her on Instagram and on her website!

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