Spirit Halloween (2022) Watched On: Amazon Prime IMDB Rating: 4.6/10 Genres: Supernatural Horror, Teen Fantasy, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller Synopsis: When a Halloween store opens in a deserted strip-mall, three friends, thinking they've outgrown trick or treating, decide to spend the night locked inside. But their night of spook-filled fun soon turns to outlandish survival. Director: David Poag Writer: Billie Bates Stars: Donovan Colan Jaiden J. Smith Dylan Martin Frankel Marissa Reyes Rachael Leigh Cook Christopher Lloyd Follow us: Patreon: patreon.com/spoopsquad Twitter: @spoopsquad TikTok: @spoopsquadpodcast Facebook: @thesquadpodcast Music by :@bleuize Cover art by: @natural20shirts VO by: Jeff Garris