Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! On this Christmas day we're doing Pokemalarkey's official review of Pokemon Indigo League (Season 1) Episode 30 "Sparks Fly For Magnemite!" And for our Pokedjacent topic we take one last timely-Christmas opportunity to discuss our favorite Christmas movies. New weekly episodes every Saturday at 8:00 am CT! Catch it on YouTube or audio-only on Spotify/Stitcher/Google Podcasts/iTunes/Audible! Hang out with us on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/TikTok @pokemalarkey Check out our Discord server (we have no idea what we're doing) at https://discord.gg/pQcGzteEYY Keep up with the show at ShawnSchaller.com/pokemalarkey Or just watch Jesse's every internet move @jesstertyler Images & Info: Bulbapedia.net Music: Pokémon Fire Red (Nintendo GameBoy Advance)