Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Snowy Science Fair: Friendship and Fear Conquered in Zagreb Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-14-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zima je u Zagrebu, a lagani snijeg prekriva predgrađa poput bijelog pokrivača.En: It's winter in Zagreb, and a light snow covers the suburbs like a white blanket.Hr: Drveće je ukrašeno snježnim pahuljama, dok hladni zrak najavljuje još snijega.En: Trees are adorned with snowflakes, while the cold air heralds more snow.Hr: U školskoj sportskoj dvorani je prometno.En: The school sports hall is bustling.Hr: Projekti učenika šareni su i uzbudljivi, a učitelji užurbano pripremaju posljednje detalje za sajam znanosti.En: Students' projects are colorful and exciting, and teachers are busily preparing the final touches for the science fair.Hr: Na ulazu stoji Karlo.En: Karlo is standing at the entrance.Hr: On voli znanost, posebno elektroniku.En: He loves science, especially electronics.Hr: Ali danas je nervozan.En: But today, he is nervous.Hr: Karlo želi pobijediti na sajmu kako bi dokazao sebi i drugima svoje sposobnosti.En: Karlo wants to win at the fair to prove his abilities to himself and others.Hr: Luka, njegov najbolji prijatelj, je uz njega.En: Luka, his best friend, is with him.Hr: Luka je uvijek veseo i natjecateljski raspoložen.En: Luka is always cheerful and competitive.Hr: No, danas želi pomoći Karlu pobijediti.En: However, today he wants to help Karlo win.Hr: Marina je nova učenica u školi.En: Marina is a new student at the school.Hr: Došla je iz Splita i voli biologiju mora.En: She came from Split and loves marine biology.Hr: Ovo je njezina prilika da ostavi dobar dojam i stekne prijatelje.En: This is her chance to make a good impression and make friends.Hr: I ona prijavljuje svoj projekt.En: She is also entering her project.Hr: Karlo se bori sa strahom od javnog nastupa.En: Karlo struggles with the fear of public speaking.Hr: Luka je razapet između želje da pomogne prijatelju i vlastite želje za pobjedom.En: Luka is torn between wanting to help his friend and his own desire to win.Hr: Marina također želi uspjeti, ali vidi kako je Karlo uznemiren.En: Marina also wants to succeed, but she sees that Karlo is anxious.Hr: Karlo ipak odlučuje zatražiti pomoć od njih.En: Yet, Karlo decides to ask them for help.Hr: "Možete mi pomoći s prezentacijom?En: "Can you help me with the presentation?"Hr: " pita Karlo, pomalo nevoljko.En: Karlo asks, somewhat reluctantly.Hr: Marina i Luka s veseljem pristaju.En: Marina and Luka gladly agree.Hr: Svi zajedno vježbaju.En: Together, they practice.Hr: Konačno, dolazi trenutak prezentacije.En: Finally, the moment of the presentation arrives.Hr: Karlo izlazi pred suce, ali nervoza ga svladava.En: Karlo steps in front of the judges, but nervousness overtakes him.Hr: Počinje gubiti dah.En: He begins to lose his breath.Hr: Luka i Marina vide to i odmah mu prilaze.En: Luka and Marina see this and immediately approach him.Hr: "Ti to možeš, Karlo!En: "You can do it, Karlo!"Hr: " kaže Luka.En: says Luka.Hr: "Možemo to zajedno," dodaje Marina.En: "We can do it together," adds Marina.Hr: S njihovom podrškom, Karlo se smiruje.En: With their support, Karlo calms down.Hr: Zajedno završavaju prezentaciju.En: Together, they finish the presentation.Hr: Suci su impresionirani timskim radom.En: The judges are impressed by the teamwork.Hr: Karlo ne osvaja prvo mjesto, ali osvaja drugo i što je važnije, postaje puno sigurniji u sebe.En: Karlo doesn't win first place, but he wins second and, more importantly, becomes much more confident in himself.Hr: Dobiva nove prijatelje u Luki i Marini.En: He gains new friends in Luka and Marina.Hr: Kako sajam završava, Karlo shvaća da uspjeh nije samo pobjeda, već i suradnja i prijateljstvo.En: As the fair ends, Karlo realizes that success is not just about winning but also about collaboration and friendship.Hr: Osmjehuje se i osjeća se spremnim za nove izazove.En: He smiles and feels ready for new challenges.Hr: Sada zna da nije sam, a strah je nadvladao.En: Now he knows he's not alone, and he has overcome his fear. Vocabulary Words:suburbs: predgrađaadorned: ukrašenoheralds: najavljujebustling: prometnoprojects: projektifinal touches: posljednje detaljenervous: nervozanprove: dokazaoabilities: sposobnosticheerful: veseocompetitive: natjecateljskiimpression: dojampublic speaking: javnog nastupatorn: razapetanxious: uznemirenreluctantly: nevoljkoapproach: prilazesupport: podrškomjudges: suciteamwork: timski radimpressed: impresioniranicollaboration: suradnjafriendship: prijateljstvochallenges: izazoveovercome: nadvladaosnowflakes: snježnim pahuljamascience fair: sajam znanostipresentation: prezentacijomcalms down: smirujeconfident: sigurniji