• Snowflakes, Healing, and Hope: Ana's Journey with Jure

  • 2025/02/28
  • 再生時間: 16 分
  • ポッドキャスト

Snowflakes, Healing, and Hope: Ana's Journey with Jure

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowflakes, Healing, and Hope: Ana's Journey with Jure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-28-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V zimski jutri je sonce komajda posijalo skozi oblake nad bolnišnico, kjer je Ana ob različnih dnevih obiskovala Jureta.En: On a winter morning, the sun barely shone through the clouds above the hospital where Ana visited Jure on different days.Sl: Bil je dan za družinski obisk v psihiatrični bolnišnici na obrobju Ljubljane.En: It was a day for family visits at the psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Ljubljana.Sl: Snežinke so padale na zmrznjeno zemljo in Ana je s hitrimi koraki pribegnila skozi glavna vrata.En: Snowflakes fell on the frozen ground, and Ana hurriedly entered through the main doors.Sl: V psihiatričnem oddelku je vladal mir.En: In the psychiatric ward, there was calm.Sl: Bela, sterilna atmosfera je bila prežeta z vonjem po razkužilu.En: The white, sterile atmosphere was filled with the smell of disinfectant.Sl: Le občasno se je zaslišal šepet ali oddaljeni koraki po hodniku.En: Only occasionally was a whisper or distant footsteps in the hallway heard.Sl: Ana se je z nervozo sprehodila mimo sestrske postaje do sobe, kjer je bival Jure.En: Ana walked nervously past the nurses' station to the room where Jure stayed.Sl: Jure je bil videti bolje, vsaj na zunaj, a Anino srce je težilo, da ga znova vidi doma.En: Jure looked better, at least outwardly, but Ana's heart longed to see him at home again.Sl: "Jure," je tiho rekla, ko je vstopila.En: "Jure," she said quietly as she entered.Sl: Sklonila se je do brata, ki je sedel ob oknu in opazoval snežni ples.En: She bent down to her brother, who was sitting by the window watching the snow dance.Sl: "Kako se počutiš danes?"En: "How do you feel today?"Sl: "Dobro," je odgovoril, a njegov glas je bil tih.En: "Good," he answered, though his voice was quiet.Sl: Oči so se obrnile k njeni iskrenosti, vendar je bilo mogoče zaznati sledi zaskrbljenosti.En: His eyes met hers with sincerity, yet traces of worry could be detected.Sl: "Razmišljala sem," je začela Ana previdno, "mogoče bi ti kratek obisk doma pomagal.En: "I was thinking," Ana began cautiously, "maybe a short visit home would help you.Sl: Prišel bi le za konec tedna."En: You could come just for the weekend."Sl: Jure je nerodno povesil pogled.En: Jure awkwardly lowered his gaze.Sl: "Ana, tukaj se počutim varno.En: "Ana, I feel safe here.Sl: Bolnišnica mi pomaga," je priznal.En: The hospital helps me," he admitted.Sl: V njegovih besedah je bila negotovost in želja po nekem stabilnem miru, ki ga je težko našel zunaj.En: His words carried uncertainty and a quest for a stable peace he found hard to achieve outside.Sl: Ana je razumela njegov strah, ampak je želela, da ve, kako pomemben je zanj doma.En: Ana understood his fear, but she wanted him to know how important he was to the family at home.Sl: Skušala je govoriti z osebjem, vendar so bili tudi oni zadržani.En: She tried talking to the staff, but they were also reserved.Sl: Predlagali so, naj raje počaka, da bi bila njegova stabilnost trdnejša.En: They suggested waiting until his stability was more solid.Sl: Med srečanjem je Matej, eden od terapevtov, opazoval Anino trdno odločnost in Juretov strah.En: During the meeting, Matej, one of the therapists, observed Ana's firm determination and Jure's fear.Sl: "Ana," je rekel previdno, "morda bi zdaj bilo najbolje, da ga podpiraš tukaj.En: "Ana," he said carefully, "perhaps the best thing now is to support him here.Sl: Dodaten stres bi lahko napredoval njegov problem."En: Additional stress could progress his problem."Sl: Ana je razmislila.En: Ana considered this.Sl: "Jure, če želiš ostati, bom spoštovala to odločitev," je končno rekla z rahlim nasmehom.En: "Jure, if you want to stay, I will respect that decision," she finally said with a slight smile.Sl: "Samo želim si, da veš, da sem tukaj za tebe.En: "I just want you to know I'm here for you.Sl: Pogosteje te bom obiskovala, v redu?"En: I'll visit more often, okay?"Sl: Jure je z nežnostjo pokimal.En: Jure nodded gently.Sl: V tistem trenutku je Ana razumela.En: At that moment, Ana understood.Sl: Njena želja, da ga odpelje domov, je bila iskrena, vendar ni bila edina pot do izboljšanja.En: Her desire to take him home was sincere, but it wasn't the only path to improvement.Sl: Včasih je podpora potrebna točno tam, kjer si.En: Sometimes support is needed right where you are.Sl: Medtem ko je zapuščala bolnišnico, je čutila, da je našla nov način, kako znova vzpostaviti vez med njima.En: As she left the hospital, she felt she had found a new way to reconnect with him.Sl: S pogostejšimi obiski je lahko prispevala svoj del v njegovi počasni poti skozi temne predele zdravljenja.En: With more frequent visits, she could contribute her part to his slow journey through the dark areas of ...
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowflakes, Healing, and Hope: Ana's Journey with Jure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-28-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V zimski jutri je sonce komajda posijalo skozi oblake nad bolnišnico, kjer je Ana ob različnih dnevih obiskovala Jureta.En: On a winter morning, the sun barely shone through the clouds above the hospital where Ana visited Jure on different days.Sl: Bil je dan za družinski obisk v psihiatrični bolnišnici na obrobju Ljubljane.En: It was a day for family visits at the psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Ljubljana.Sl: Snežinke so padale na zmrznjeno zemljo in Ana je s hitrimi koraki pribegnila skozi glavna vrata.En: Snowflakes fell on the frozen ground, and Ana hurriedly entered through the main doors.Sl: V psihiatričnem oddelku je vladal mir.En: In the psychiatric ward, there was calm.Sl: Bela, sterilna atmosfera je bila prežeta z vonjem po razkužilu.En: The white, sterile atmosphere was filled with the smell of disinfectant.Sl: Le občasno se je zaslišal šepet ali oddaljeni koraki po hodniku.En: Only occasionally was a whisper or distant footsteps in the hallway heard.Sl: Ana se je z nervozo sprehodila mimo sestrske postaje do sobe, kjer je bival Jure.En: Ana walked nervously past the nurses' station to the room where Jure stayed.Sl: Jure je bil videti bolje, vsaj na zunaj, a Anino srce je težilo, da ga znova vidi doma.En: Jure looked better, at least outwardly, but Ana's heart longed to see him at home again.Sl: "Jure," je tiho rekla, ko je vstopila.En: "Jure," she said quietly as she entered.Sl: Sklonila se je do brata, ki je sedel ob oknu in opazoval snežni ples.En: She bent down to her brother, who was sitting by the window watching the snow dance.Sl: "Kako se počutiš danes?"En: "How do you feel today?"Sl: "Dobro," je odgovoril, a njegov glas je bil tih.En: "Good," he answered, though his voice was quiet.Sl: Oči so se obrnile k njeni iskrenosti, vendar je bilo mogoče zaznati sledi zaskrbljenosti.En: His eyes met hers with sincerity, yet traces of worry could be detected.Sl: "Razmišljala sem," je začela Ana previdno, "mogoče bi ti kratek obisk doma pomagal.En: "I was thinking," Ana began cautiously, "maybe a short visit home would help you.Sl: Prišel bi le za konec tedna."En: You could come just for the weekend."Sl: Jure je nerodno povesil pogled.En: Jure awkwardly lowered his gaze.Sl: "Ana, tukaj se počutim varno.En: "Ana, I feel safe here.Sl: Bolnišnica mi pomaga," je priznal.En: The hospital helps me," he admitted.Sl: V njegovih besedah je bila negotovost in želja po nekem stabilnem miru, ki ga je težko našel zunaj.En: His words carried uncertainty and a quest for a stable peace he found hard to achieve outside.Sl: Ana je razumela njegov strah, ampak je želela, da ve, kako pomemben je zanj doma.En: Ana understood his fear, but she wanted him to know how important he was to the family at home.Sl: Skušala je govoriti z osebjem, vendar so bili tudi oni zadržani.En: She tried talking to the staff, but they were also reserved.Sl: Predlagali so, naj raje počaka, da bi bila njegova stabilnost trdnejša.En: They suggested waiting until his stability was more solid.Sl: Med srečanjem je Matej, eden od terapevtov, opazoval Anino trdno odločnost in Juretov strah.En: During the meeting, Matej, one of the therapists, observed Ana's firm determination and Jure's fear.Sl: "Ana," je rekel previdno, "morda bi zdaj bilo najbolje, da ga podpiraš tukaj.En: "Ana," he said carefully, "perhaps the best thing now is to support him here.Sl: Dodaten stres bi lahko napredoval njegov problem."En: Additional stress could progress his problem."Sl: Ana je razmislila.En: Ana considered this.Sl: "Jure, če želiš ostati, bom spoštovala to odločitev," je končno rekla z rahlim nasmehom.En: "Jure, if you want to stay, I will respect that decision," she finally said with a slight smile.Sl: "Samo želim si, da veš, da sem tukaj za tebe.En: "I just want you to know I'm here for you.Sl: Pogosteje te bom obiskovala, v redu?"En: I'll visit more often, okay?"Sl: Jure je z nežnostjo pokimal.En: Jure nodded gently.Sl: V tistem trenutku je Ana razumela.En: At that moment, Ana understood.Sl: Njena želja, da ga odpelje domov, je bila iskrena, vendar ni bila edina pot do izboljšanja.En: Her desire to take him home was sincere, but it wasn't the only path to improvement.Sl: Včasih je podpora potrebna točno tam, kjer si.En: Sometimes support is needed right where you are.Sl: Medtem ko je zapuščala bolnišnico, je čutila, da je našla nov način, kako znova vzpostaviti vez med njima.En: As she left the hospital, she felt she had found a new way to reconnect with him.Sl: S pogostejšimi obiski je lahko prispevala svoj del v njegovi počasni poti skozi temne predele zdravljenja.En: With more frequent visits, she could contribute her part to his slow journey through the dark areas of ...

Snowflakes, Healing, and Hope: Ana's Journey with Jureに寄せられたリスナーの声
