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I think that I've mentioned before that I was in London late last year attending the wonderful #BBSW. It was there that I met the flamboyant and slightly quirky Simon Jones, owner and chief podcaster of #TheBonjourAgency. We got talking as one does and Simon subsequently invited me to be a guest on his wonderful "I'd Rather be at the Beach" podcast. In this new episiode of #TheEnglishBreakfast I turn the tables, so to speak, and talk to Simon about his life, podcasting and life in Paris. Thanks to Simon for making himself available - a really great talk with someone that I have already learned such a great deal from.
If you like what you are listening to please subscribe to the podcast and support us. Additionally, if you'd like to contact Simon for any help or support with your school marketing or podcast, you can find him on LinkedIn or alternatively email him at: simon@thebonjouragency.com