A Princess, a Priest, and a Nazi walk into a bar in Germany to meet a Veteran...
Unfortunately this is not the start of a bad, or even a good, joke.
While there is no documented evidence that they never went to a bar together, they certainly met, along with others, to start Stille Hilfe (Silent Aid). This was, and is, a Nazi aid organization after WWII that we're guessing you've never heard of.
Join us as we dust off some dirt on this group and I (Caitlin) teach Laura (and you) about how they shaped post-war Germany, and the influence they held - and maybe still hold within Germany. We will find baffling coincidences, meet a blue-blooded Princess and a Nazi Princess, learn about the Nazi's they helped along the way, and hear about a direct connection to Pope Pius XII.
Are they still active today? How did they survive as an organization? Who did they help? These are just a few of the questions we will discuss.
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