#024 - Are you a "Christian Nationalist?" Should you be? What IS a "Christian Nationalist?" Is American Democracy in danger of being overthrown by crazy and violent "Christian Nationalists?" In this episode I begin to try and unravel these scary words and to figure out what we as Christians ought to do about them. Please listen and then come and tell me your thoughts! Share Your Thoughts With Me: https://gospelofeverything.com/contact Rate This Podcast: https://ratethispodcast.com/gospelofeverything In this episode I referenced these two episodes: https://gospelofeverything.com/podcast/is-america-a-christian-nation-part-1-what-is-a-christian-nation-anyways/ https://gospelofeverything.com/podcast/is-america-a-christian-nation-part-2-casting-down-idols/