
  • Sharpen 2.0 - What We Say vs What We Do (Part 3)

    The final part of our series on "What we say vs. what we do" we're talking about habits. Life's definitely a marathon and not a sprint. What habits are you forming that allow you to become a true "marathoner?"

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - What We Say vs What We Do (Part 2)

    In this second part of our three-part series we're talking about lifelong learning. When we say we're lifelong learners, do we actually mean it? How are we intentionally learning as we grow in our careers?

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - What We Say vs What We Do (Part 1)

    We begin this three-part series by focusing on mentoring relationships. Are we valuing the next generation in the workplace in what we say and what we do? Or do we leave them sitting at the kids table?

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - Routinely Saying "Thank You"

    Lately I have been focusing on being in a state of greatfulness. Whether that is in work, life, relationships, whatever it may be. I am trying to see opportunities for gratitude. What is a life-nourishing moment you've had because of someone's gratitude?

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - Artificial Deadlines

    Sometimes it's helpful for me to empose a deadline on myself. It creates really good traction and productivity in my projects. When I know have to be finished with a project by a certain day/time, it gives me a margin for the most important tasks at hand.

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - What is Your Bend?

    There are at least two sayings that can define a person's productivity: "How you do anything, is how you do everything," and "Done is better than perfect." Which camp do you fall into? Or are you somewhere in the middle? We should always seek more excellence and this episode will explain how.

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - Letting Things Breathe

    With the hectic pace of life and work, I sometimes find it hard to rest and settle in. Over time I think we lose sight of the gift of patience and letting things breathe. When was the last time you were patient in your career?

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  • Sharpen 2.0 - The Power of 10 Minutes

    You can get a lot accomplished in only 10 minutes. The key is to prepare, plan, and schedule. Take a listen to learn more about how 10 minutes each night can change your life!

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