
  • Ep. 32 - Welcoming in Shabbos

    We don’t welcome Pesach. We don’t welcome Tefillin. So why do we welcome Shabbos? Why do we sing to it, escort it, and refer to it as a guest? What makes Shabbos so fundamentally different from any other mitzvah?

    Shabbos isn’t just a mitzvah—it’s an encounter with the Shechina. Rabbi Klapper unpacks the depth behind Kabbalas Shabbos, showing how it mirrors Matan Torah, where Klal Yisrael insisted, “We want to see our King!” Just like at Har Sinai, where we had to prepare, dress properly, and stand ready, Shabbos demands that same level of kavod. But are we actually prepared for this moment? Do we race into Shabbos last-minute, treating it as a break from work rather than a royal event? With powerful analogies and halachic insights, this episode explores the true meaning of greeting the Shechina—and why treating Shabbos as just another mitzvah misses the entire point.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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  • Ep. 31 - Erev Shabbos Nap

    The Secret to a True Shabbos

    If Shabbos is a time of unparalleled Kedusha, why do so many people feel disconnected when it finally arrives?

    You’ve set the table, the candles are ready, the food is prepared—but is that enough? The answer lies not just in what we do before Shabbos, but in how we prepare ourselves to truly receive it.

    In this episode, Rabbi Klapper unpacks the deep significance of Erev Shabbos preparations—not just as physical tasks, but as a spiritual avodah. Unlike other mitzvos, where our actions bring Kedusha into the world, Shabbos is different: Hashem brings the Shechinah to us. But if we aren’t ready to greet Him, what happens then? Through powerful analogies—imagine a chassan arriving at an empty wedding hall—he shows how anticipation shapes our experience. And what about the controversial Erev Shabbos nap? Is it just a luxury, or an essential way to ensure we honor Shabbos with full presence? Join us as we uncover the key to feeling the holiness of Shabbos instead of just going through the motions.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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  • Ep. 30 - Importance of Preparing for Shabbos

    Why does the Torah emphasize preparing for Shabbos when Shabbos itself is a gift?

    In this episode, Rabbi Klapper uncovers the profound significance of Erev Shabbos preparations, teaching us how the effort we invest before Shabbos shapes our connection to its Kedusha. Drawing from classic Torah sources, we’ll explore the deeper meaning behind “Mi she’meichin b’Erev Shabbos, yochal b’Shabbos,” showing how our physical and spiritual preparations pave the way to experiencing Shabbos as a taste of Olam Haba.

    Through engaging analogies, like the process of earning bracha in this world, and poignant lessons from Chazal, we learn that Shabbos doesn’t just happen—we must actively desire and prepare for it. Tune in to discover how even the smallest acts on Erev Shabbos transform a mundane Friday into the gateway to divine connection.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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  • Trailer S2 Shemiras Einayim

    COMING SOON: The battle for your eyes is real. The power to choose is yours.


    Shemiras Einayim with Rabbi Ari Klapper returns for Series 2 – diving deeper than ever into the raw challenges of guarding your eyes in today's digital age. No apologetics. No judgment. Just honest, practical wisdom for real-life struggles.

    From smartphones to street encounters. From internal battles to external pressures. We're tackling the questions you're afraid to ask and the daily tests you face. Rabbi Klapper brings clarity, understanding, and practical tools to help you navigate these challenges while maintaining your dignity and spiritual growth.

    This isn't just another mussar series. This is your guide to building real strength and finding true fulfillment in a world of constant visual temptation.

    New episodes drop every two weeks starting 19th Feb 2025.

    Real struggles. Real solutions. Real growth. Real Judaism.

    Shemiras Einayim Series 2 – Because your battle matters.

    Find the Episodes wherever you get your podcasts




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  • Ep. 29 - Accept the Gift

    If Shabbos is a gift from Hashem, do we really need to do anything—or should we just sit back and receive it?

    Shabbos is unlike any other day. While Yom Tov’s holiness comes from our mitzvos—our ability to bring down kedusha through action—Shabbos is entirely different. The kedusha of Shabbos comes directly from Hashem. It exists whether or not we recognize it. So what, then, is our role? Do we simply stand by, passive observers of Hashem’s great gift? In this episode, Rabbi Klapper explores the active mitzvah of Zachor es Yom HaShabbos, the fundamental avodah of remembering and recognizing Shabbos. He reveals how the key to experiencing true Shabbos isn’t in creating kedusha, but in opening our hearts and minds to accept it.

    But here’s the real challenge: How many of us actually open this gift? Are we like a child who receives a priceless present and spends all day playing with the box? Do we treat Shabbos like a day off, rather than a gateway into Hashem’s presence? Through deep analysis, stories, and practical insights, Rabbi Klapper explains how training our minds to truly remember Shabbos—not just intellectually, but emotionally and spiritually—transforms the entire day. He shares powerful tools to integrate Shabbos-consciousness into our daily lives, from the way we prepare for Shabbos to how we experience it in real time. Join us for a thought-provoking journey into the essence of Shabbos, and discover how even a small shift in perspective can unlock an entirely new level of connection with Hashem.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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  • Ep. 28 - The Holiness of Shabbos

    What if holiness wasn’t something you had to create—but something that simply arrived, overwhelming everything in its path?

    Every Yom Tov, every kedusha we experience throughout the year, is something we bring into the world through our actions. Eating matzah on Pesach, sitting in a sukkah, hearing the shofar—each mitzvah brings down the kedusha of the day. But Shabbos is entirely different. Shabbos is not something we make holy—it is holiness itself. It doesn’t wait for us to sanctify it; it simply arrives, and our only job is to step into it. Rabbi Klapper takes us on a deep journey, showing how the kedusha of Shabbos isn’t like the kedusha of Eretz Yisrael or the Beis HaMikdash—both of which were created by human actions. Shabbos is a revelation, a direct gift from Hashem, the ultimate invitation into His world.

    But if Shabbos is a gift, why do so many people struggle to feel its power? How can we tap into this kedusha that is beyond our reach? Through fascinating comparisons to nevuah—especially the unique nevuah of Bilam—Rabbi Klapper explains how Shabbos is the “aspaklaria hame'ira,” the clear window through which Hashem enters the world. We’ll explore why the natural world itself keeps Shabbos, why Gehenom stops burning, why even a river changes its course, and what this all means for our personal avodah. Tune in for a transformative discussion that will change the way you experience Shabbos forever.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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  • Ep. 27 - Build up the Connection

    How do you make a meaningful request to someone you barely know?

    Shabbos is a time when Hashem invites us into His home—a day to strengthen our connection with the Creator. Yet, instead of asking for our personal needs during Shabbos Tefillos, we focus on praising Hashem and recognizing His greatness. Why is that? Rabbi Klapper shares a fascinating insight into the deeper purpose of Shabbos prayers, using the analogy of a fundraiser who builds a friendship before making a request.

    Through compelling stories and classic sources, discover how Shabbos Tefillah transforms our relationship with Hashem. When we dedicate Shabbos to building that connection, it opens the gates for bracha throughout the week. Join us as we explore how a personal bond with the Divine leads to transformative changes in our lives, one prayer at a time.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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  • Ep. 26 - Power of Prayer to Change the World

    Why don’t we ask for personal needs in the Shabbos Tefillos—when it’s the most powerful day to change our fate?

    Tefillah is rooted in the belief that Hashem can change the unchangeable. Yet, on Shabbos, when we stand at the pinnacle of divine connection, we don’t make requests for health, parnassah, or personal salvation. Why is that? Rabbi Klapper takes us on a deep dive into the essence of Tefillah and its relationship to Shabbos. We’ll explore how Tefillah affirms our belief in Yesh Me'ayin—the ability of Hashem to overturn natural laws—and how this power reaches its peak on Shabbos.

    Through stories of the Avos, Chizkiyahu, and even modern miracles, we’ll uncover how Shabbos Tefillos reveal our ultimate purpose: not to focus on our needs, but to proclaim Hashem’s glory and bask in His presence. Tune in for a mind-opening discussion on the transformative nature of Tefillah and how it can redefine your connection to Shabbos.

    Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!

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