
  • View From the Pulpit

    I am excited to announce a new podcast project titled View from the Pulpit. Each episode will feature interviews with pastors and church members exploring the role of preaching, the labor of preparing to preach, the effectiveness of how one preaches, and so much more. This podcast is about preaching, but it is not just for preachers. So whether each Sunday you are behind the pulpit or in the pew, I hope you will tune in for engaging conversations that will help you better understand why preaching is vital to the church’s health. The podcast is available in Apple Podcast, Spotify, and many other podcast apps. Subscribe today so that you will not miss an episode.

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  • Is your life worthy of imitation?

    Is your life worthy of imitation? If new believers imitated your walk with God, would it be to their benefit? If fellow members of the church imitated your holiness, would they walk in righteousness? If the younger members imitated your worship attendance practices, would they be pleasing to God? The answer to these questions for Christians must be "Yes."

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  • What God Begins, He Finishes

    A life transformed does not un-transform. It is possible to fake transformation for a while. It is possible to imitate transformation for a while. However, the transformation of God does not lose power, wear out, or grow old. What God begins, he always finishes (Philippians 1:6). Those who have been truly saved by God will remain steadfast in hope until the Lord returns.

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  • Everyone who calls on the name of God will be saved

    There is no sin that the blood of Jesus cannot cover, and this includes abortion. Dear friends, you must work with all your might to defend life and stop legalized abortion, but in your zeal to protect life, you must also declare that the only thing that forfeits the hope of the gospel is rejecting the salvation of Jesus.

    From the sermon: Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23

    Listen to the full sermon: https://www.bensmithsr.org/bensmith-allforthekingdom/romans-6-20-26

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  • Recognize the shame of sin and plead for the grace of God

    Abortion is a shameful thing, but God’s grace is greater. Some of you have actively participated in the shamefulness of abortion. You have had abortions. You have encouraged someone to have an abortion. You have supported the legalization of abortion. Some of you have passively participated in the shamefulness of abortion. You have been unconcerned with abortion because it has not directly affected you or your family. You have turned a deft ear to the pleas of those contending for life. You have believed the lies of politicians and activists who advocated for abortion.

    Dear Christian, you should recognize the shame of sin and plead for the grace of God.

    From the sermon: Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23

    Listen to the full sermon: https://www.bensmithsr.org/bensmith-allforthekingdom/romans-6-20-26

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  • The grace of God does not ignore sin the grace of God atones for sin

    The shame of sin is not erased by ignoring it. The shame of sin is overcome by confessing and repenting of sin. Dear Christian, there is forgiveness and restoration in Christ alone.

    From the sermon: Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23

    Listen to the full sermon: https://www.bensmithsr.org/bensmith-allforthekingdom/romans-6-20-26

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  • Sin is a false promise of freedom

    Anything that denies the sanctity of life is motivated by a desire to elevate personal freedom over God's authority. Abortion promises sexual freedom, economic freedom, and freedom to attain gender equality. However, these false freedoms do not deliver what they promise. The fruit of sin is enslavement to more sin, shame and guilt before God, and death. Dear friends, there is no true freedom in rebellion against God. Freedom is only found in righteousness before God.

    From the sermon: Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23

    Listen to the full sermon: https://www.bensmithsr.org/bensmith-allforthekingdom/romans-6-20-26

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  • Abortion is a lie that brings death and destruction.

    The absurdity of Satan’s lies is that such theft, death, and destruction are preferable to righteousness in Christ. The end result of every sin is personal destruction, relational destruction, destruction of others, and community destruction. Dear friends, see abortion for what it is – a lie that brings death and destruction.

    From the sermon: Sanctity of Life, Romans 6:20-23

    Listen to the full sermon: https://www.bensmithsr.org/bensmith-allforthekingdom/romans-6-20-26

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