For the next few weeks we'll be looking at the life of Moses. So much of Moses' life echoes the life of Jesus and we're looking forward to diving in.
Moses is born in a time of genocide and suffering. The Hebrews were enslaved by the Egyptians. Moses' mother had to resort to sending her baby down the Nile. At that point, Moses' life hung on the compassion of others for survival - Pharoah's daughter found him and showed compassion, adopting him as her own. God isn't mentioned in this story in Exodus, but the providential care of God is in full display. Clearly, God's hand of protection was upon him admist all the dangers.
All of our lives have twists and turns. We have setbacks or grief that flattens us. But when we pray and offer ourselves to God, God has a way of redeeming and even using the hard things in our lives to guide and equip us. God's hand is there protecting and preparing us. Your life has a purposes in God's plan. God loves you and God knows you.
Where do you see care from others for you and the provision of God in your life?