- Re S (Children: Party Status) [2022] EWCA Civ 1717
- Q v R [2022] EWHC 2961
- Re AZ (A Child) (Recusal) [2022] EWCA Civ 911
- The Mother v The Father [2022] EWHC 3107
- Gallagher v Gallagher (No 1) (Reporting Restrictions) [2022] EWFC 52
Reading recommendations
- ‘Another Financial Remedy case where anonymity was refused’ by Lucy Reed https://transparencyproject.org.uk/another-financial-remedy-case-where-anonymity-was-refused/
- ‘Through a glass, darkly: Gallagher and transparency in the financial remedies court’ by Polly Morgan https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09649069.2022.2136706
- Nuffield Family Justice Observatory, ‘Mothers in recurrent care proceedings: New evidence for England and Wales’ https://www.nuffieldfjo.org.uk/resource/mothers-in-recurrent-care-proceedings-new-evidence-for-england-and-wales
- A View from The President’s Chambers: November 2022 https://www.judiciary.uk/guidance-and-resources/a-view-from-the-presidents-chambers-november-2022
Tweet of the week
@jsnbarn https://twitter.com/jsnbarn/status/1613536593645809664?s=20&t=J9YHXKaEyGGu8AFV_O-q5g
Statement from New Park Court Chambers https://www.newparkcourt.co.uk/2022/12/19/james-gelsthorpe/
@tomgeorgefilm https://twitter.com/tomgeorgefilm/status/1605647869683200000?s=20&t=J9YHXKaEyGGu8AFV_O-q5g
You can follow Malvika and Maddie on Twitter @MalvikaJaganmo1 and @Maddie_Whelan2
While every effort is made to ensure that the contents of each episode is accurate, none of the contents of any episode of Professionally Embarrassing are intended to be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is accepted for any error or omission within any episode.