
  • Episode #23 Demystifying Permaculture Principles

    When I first heard the word permaculture & heard that there were 12 principles it conjured up all sorts of complicated concepts that my new gardening brain just couldn’t fathom. 

    I was flat out working out how to keep a few pots of herb alive let alone applying 12 principles to my gardening. I mean, come on!! Who has time for that?

    What I came to understand is that we all do. Permaculture is something we can all use to help guide our food growing journey and so much more. 

    I want to demystify permaculture for the newbie gardener a little but. Take out some of the unfamiliar language that can some times cause us to think what the fuck does that even mean. 

    Let's start from the beginning.. Back in the 70’s when I was born 2 coworkers and friends Bill Mollinson and David Holgren from Tasmania Australia developed a sustainable agriculture system. It was a system that took it’s concepts and methods from the natural environment and the word Permaculture is a combination of the words Permanent Agriculture. 

    The system is designed to have closed energy cycles. What that means in simple terms is that the gardens or farms don't need a bunch of external energies like chemical fertilizers, irrigation and human work like plowing fields for it to produce a great harvest. 

    The waste from one would feed the other like cutting and dropping the unused portions of the plants so that it becomes mulch that helps retain moisture and breaks down adding nutrients back into the earth. Just like trees do with leaves and bark. 

    It means growing different types of plants together or in a sequence so they help each other out with nutrient needs and help to keep moisture held in the soil. 

    It also means carefully observing nature so that our gardens and farms mimic the local ecology. Designing also takes into account the ease of use. No point having something that is great in theory but is too hard to implement and use. 

    Full show notes at www.sohfarmlet.com.au/podcast

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    31 分
  • Episode #22 Preserving End of Season Harvests
    Here in the Hunter Valley winter is definitely on it’s way. Our nights are getting down to under 10 deg c and even though the days are stunning, there is a definite chill. This means that many of our warmer loving plants have packed it up for the season.  The cucumber vine died back almost overnight even though we hadn’t had a frost. The cherry and cherry roma tomatoes plants are covered in green tomatoes but they are starting to get attacked by bugs and the basil is all but done.  On the plus side our eggplants and zucchinis are still going strong and of all things, the pumpkins have decided to give a last hoorah putting on some last minute growth and baby pumpkins too. I will let them do their thing until we have a frost due then I will pick them like a woman possessed the day before. This is totally reliant of course, on me getting my timing right. But that is part of the fun of gardening.  We had about 5 kgs of cucumbers and about 1 kilo of small green tomatoes that needed to be picked.  I love cucumbers but if I ate 7kg of fresh cucumbers I think I would end up looking like one so I needed to do something with them to make them last longer.  Hmm I wonder what I could do.  Pickles of course! And as much as I love cucumbers I love pickles even more. I found a recipe years ago for a quick easy cucumber pickle that you store in the fridge. This means no fancy canning equipment needed just some basic ingredients, a pot and some sterilized jars.  This is the best recipe I have used to make sweet pickle cucumber and it’s quite forgiving. My cucumbers this year were from last year's saved seeds that I let cross pollinate. The result was a super yummy cucumber but with lots of seeds. Not ideal for making pickles but they still turned out great.  I will put the full recipe and instructions below, but as an overview this is what I did. Boil jars and lids for about 15-20 mins to sterilize. Only use either pickling jars or thick glass jars. Thinner jars don’t handle being boiled and will crack.  The die hard preservers may argue that you can’t use old jars you’ve saved but using this method I haven’t lost one yet. Make sure you also put the jars and water in together at room temperature and bring to the boil together or you will definitely crack your jars. You also want to keep the jar off the bottom of the pot if you can. In a pinch you can put in some all stainless steel cutlery to act as a trivet.  I boil up all the ingredients which is white vinegar, sugar, salt, mustard seeds, celery seeds or whatever pickling seed I have… I have even used coriander seeds for a different flavour. Turmeric and fresh dill.  Fresh dill is a non-negotiable in my opinion. The upside is that when your cucumbers are coming to their end your dill will be exploding. I have plants popping up everywhere.  You can also add in chilli with your cucumber slices if you like.  I put all the ingredients except for the cucumbers and dill in a pot and bring to the boil.  I take out my boiling jars and put my sliced cucumbers and dill fronds in, layering as I go. I put them in pretty tight without squishing them too much and pour in the hot liquid. Your jars should still be quite hot so the hot liquid won’t shouldn’t crack them.  Fill all the way to the top to cover cucumbers and pop the lid on. Refrigerate as soon as it’s cool to the touch. They are ready within a few hours and will last a few weeks in your fridge.  This is the easy and fast way. If you want to preserve them for longer then you will have to go through a full canning process process like a water bath or pressure canning process.  This process isn’t that much harder but you do need some knowledge and equipment to do it right.  Water bath canning is what I did for my green tomato relish aka piccalilli. Relish or chutneys are a great way of using up just about anything sort of non leafy vegetable.  On a side note. What’s the difference between relish and chutney? A relish has a hero vegetable that is quite crisp and fresh and a chutney has a combination of vegetables and often fruit and is also saucier and thicker with deeper flavours.   Back to the green tomato relish. The recipe and instructions are below, but what I wanted to highlight the water bathing method I used.  By water bathing your relish, what you're doing is ‘cooking’ the bacteria out of the relish while also sealing the jar to stop bacteria from entering. This allows the relish to become shelf stable meaning you can store it in the cupboard for up to a year. This method is great if you have lots to make and store or if you don’t have much refrigeration room.  To do this you need to have a big stock pot that is big enough to cover your jars by at least 3 cm, you will also need a rack or trivet to keep the jars off the bottom of the pot and you don’t want your jars touching each other. You will need a way or removing the jars out of the water once processed ...
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    25 分
  • Episode #21 Seed Saving Facts

    Gardeners have been saving seeds for thousands of years. First for food security, then to preserve the best varieties and more recently to ensure biodiversity. 

    Seed saving is something that was a given for our great grandparents but is a practice that has petered out over the last few generations. Why? 

    Because of the advent of commercialisation of the gardening industry. We can pop down to the shops and buy seeds for almost anything a home gardener may want to grow. You can even buy seeds in a well-known discount and seconds store here in Australia so the need for saving your own seeds has nearly disappeared. 

    I say nearly because last year for the first time in my and my parents' lifetime a pandemic that saw all seedlings and seeds fly off the shelves in a flurry of panic buying along with the much-coveted loo paper.


    Full show notes at www.sohfarmlet.com.au/podcast

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    28 分
  • Episode #20 Interview with Rachelle Winter from twomuddyboots.com

    I am excited

    This week I had my very first podcast interviewee on the Podcast, and it was AWESOME.

    Rachelle Winter from Two Muddy Boots blog joined me and we had an amazing conversation. We went down some cool rabbit holes together, talked about the fun stuff, talked about the hard stuff and touched on some home truths. 

    We talked about

    • Connecting with nature
    • Growing food
    • Imperfect gardens 
    • Soil health and compost
    • ‍Farming practices
    • Passion for saving the world & more!

    I had been 'stalking' Rachelle for some time on Instagram and her blog, taking inspiration, learning and loving what she stands for.  When I reached out and asked her if she would be interested in being on the podcast her response was 'Sure, but I don't know what I really have to share'.

    Talk about make me giggle because this lady is on a mission to change the world, one person at a time. And, HAS SO MUCH TO SHARE. I know because we could've talked for hours and not even scraped the sides. 

    So grab a cuppa or a wine, if it's that time, settle in for about an hour and enjoy a conversation that I know you will love.

    More information

    Connect with Rachelle and her Two Muddy Boots 

    Blog - www.twomuddyboots.com

    Instagram - @twomuddybootz

    Facebook - 2muddyboots

    Full show notes at www.sohfarmlet.com.au/podcast

    Blogs – www.sohfarmlet.com.au/blog

    Download Free – Chicken Keepers ‘Chicklist’ For Beginners

    Download Free Guide Getting Started With Composting

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    This Episode Sponsored by

    This episode is sponsored by my soon to be released Self-Sufficiency Made Simple Composting Masterclass. This masterclass will help you go from wasting food and money to creating your own gold star garden soil system without mess, cost or hard work. The masterclass will show you how to choose, create and get started with your own simple system, all in your backyard.

    Register your interest via email jo@sohfarmlet.com.au


    Reach me

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    I would be eternally grateful if you could give me a review as this will push the podcast out to more people, and it would make my heart sing, I’d love to hear what you have to say and what’s your favourite bit (and I will be giving a few shout outs each week).

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    I would also love it if you could share this podcast with anyone you feel would enjoy conversations about growing food, keeping chickens, bees, rescue animals, making homemade products and all things self-sufficiency related.

    I am so pleased and feel very privileged that you chose to join me this week. Thank you!


    Let’s do it again next Wednesday. xx

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  • Episode #19 Connection Between Gardening and Wellbeing
    This episode is going to be a little bit 'Woo'. I am all about the Woo and anyone who knows me understands that I make decisions and take actions based on my intuition. If you are thinking what the hell is Woo and what the F does it have to do with growing your own food and being self-sufficient let me share. I know for many gardeners that their garden is their sanctuary, their happy place. It is the space they go to when they feel out of kilter or when they need to not people any more.  Woo, as I see it is just energy. The energy we have in our bodies, the energy we feel when we see someone we love or the opposite, that feeling when you know there is tension between people. It’s also the energy of your garden, the feeling you feel when you step into your garden and all the stress and tension just takes a backseat.  This energy comes from the vibration that everything on this earth has. The tree in your yard, the device you are reading or listening to this on, the chair under your bum or the floor under your feet. Now to go one step deeper, these vibrations have different frequencies.  Like the song good vibrations, we can pick up on good vibrations. That means we can also feel those heavy dark vibrations and lots of variations in between.  Take a moment to feel what vibe you might be in right now? Are you feeling loved and warm all over and are giving off vibes that say to those around you ‘hey, I am an open person who loves life’ or are you currently feeling annoyed or meh and giving off vibes that say to the world ‘stay away’? Think about how you feel in these situations and what energetic message you are sending out into the world… When you receive an acknowledgement from someoneWhen things aren’t going rightWhen your dog comes over to you for a patWhen watching the newsWhen your friend or partner gives you a hugWhen you're tiredAnd when you are in your garden.  Being in your garden or any place in nature can help to increase your happiness and help you feel more at peace than you may think.  There have been various studies done that show being in nature for even a short amount of time can improve your mood and overall feeling of well-being. It’s a positive vibe, something that gardeners have known for forever.  Why do you think we all get out there as much as we can? Good vibes. Even this week in the crazy rain I got out there in my gumboots and raincoat and planted seeds, harvested veggies and talked to my plants.  Yes, I talk to my plants, more on that in a minute.  You see, for me being outside in my garden, with my animals and connecting with nature on any level is a must. My body and soul feel like they wither away like that bit of ginger in the back of your fridge crisper draw that has been there for months. I feel drained of all goodness.  Being in my garden, even the overgrown totally overtaken by weeds section fills my energy levels back up again. I observe the bugs, I talk to the frogs, listen to the birds, I even ask the red-bellied black snake we named Cecil if he is feeling good today, even if I can’t see him or her. This morning in the rain I just watched the droplets running down along the branches of the big gum tree in my garden. I noticed how they all formed perfect individual droplets but how they are all part of all the water on the planet. This made me smile. It helped me feel connected to something bigger than me and it allowed me to focus on all the possibilities, opportunities and positive things that exist in my world and the world as a whole.  So why is this relevant to actually growing food? Well, when we feel connected and inspired we take action. We don the boots and get started on things that would otherwise seem impossible or at least overwhelming because we can see how we are part of the bigger picture. Taking time to connect ourselves to what we are growing, to water our garden, to touch a plant or to just be with our thoughts in nature helps perspective enter our consciousness, and when we have perspective the things that seem like big scary things don't seem so big or scary anymore. It's then that we can see the possibilities available to us.   I mentioned earlier that I talk to my plants, and I totally do. It makes me feel good and I am sure it makes them happier too.  There have been studies done where people have spoken to plants in different ways and have seen marked differences in how they grew.  I am generalising here but the studies had 3 groups of the same plants. Group A, B and C. All plants had the same soil, same amount of light and same watering regime. Group A was exposed to positive words throughout the day. They were told they are loved, beautiful, appreciated, wanted, valued etc Group B was exposed to negative words at the same rate throughout the day. They were told they were stupid, useless, ugly, waste of space, hated, disgusting etc.Group C was the control so had all the same growing conditions but were left ...
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    16 分
  • Episode #18 - 8 Common Herbs with Medicinal Properties
    Medical herbs have been used for eons. Some now see it as outdated and others swear and even rely on the power of healing herbs. Wherever you sit on this scale there’s no denying that some plants, especially herbs have properties that can aid in the all-round treatment of ailments and injuries.  Many of the common herbs that we use for flavours in teas and food have medicinal qualities that many of us aren’t aware of.  Herbal medicine is used worldwide and forms part of many systems of medicine including Chinese, Ayurvedic aka Indian, Native American, Folk Medicine across Europe and Indigenous Australian. Many of our common pharmaceuticals started their life as plants before becoming the primarily synthetic versions we have today.  Medicinal herbs can be taken as tea, extracts and powders. They can be made into compresses, poultices, ointments, soaks and wraps. Some are for external use only and others need to be used in minimal quantities.  I wanted to share with you 8 common and easy to grow herbs with medicinal properties. It’s likely you already grow a few of these versatile beauties.  Before I do, I want to add a disclaimer. I am not a medical professional, nor an educated herbalist or am I particularly skilled in using herbs outside of cooking and basic teas so if you plan to use these or any herbs as a replacement or in addition to conventional medicine you should consult a suitable and qualified professional. This goes 10 fold if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly, ill or have any preexisting conditions.   1. Rosemary Rosemary is a staple of any edible garden. It is a Mediterranean plant that likes it warm and sunny. Once established it’s hardy and super low maintenance. There are many varieties of rosemary with white, purple, blue and pink flowers. This perennial herb is best grown from cuttings from new wood. Medicinal properties of rosemary are said to include increased memory, decreased inflammation, appetite stimulant, circulation and calm upset stomach.  How I have used my rosemary in the past, is as a hair tonic. I boiled water and turned it off then chucked in a handful of rosemary cuttings. Left it to cool and rinsed my hair in it. It made it feel soft, looked shiny and I smelt very floral all day.    2. Garlic While not technically a herb, garlic is known for its beneficial qualities. Garlic is great at boosting immunity, as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal. Lets us not forget it is also the go-to herb for repelling vampires. Just sayin’ It has also been linked to lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and boost circulation.  Plant garlic cloves in autumn for a late spring/summer harvest. I have just put in my early crop. This year is White Crookneck, Monaro Purple, Glenlarge and El Camino. There are varieties that can be grown in most places but they do need some cold weather and transition in the days' short daylight to long daylight hours to produce good-sized bulbs. I wouldn’t recommend a nice hot cup of garlic tea unless that’s your thing, not judging, but if you cook with garlic as we do then you will already be reaping the benefits of this wonder food.    3. Dandelion Dandelions are so underrated in my opinion. Most gardeners consider this amazing herb as a weed because it is so hardy it will literally grow nearly anywhere there is a sniff of a nutrient or drop of moisture.  This herb has so many proclaimed benefits that it can’t be overlooked. Plus they are actually amazing to have in your garden. They have a super strong taproot that helps break up heavy soil and help neighbouring plants access deeper nutrients.  Dandelion leaves and roots are what is primarily used in medicine but all parts can be eaten including the flower.  Leaves are used in reducing water retention hence the name I knew them by as a child. Wet-the-beds. They can help in digestion and can sometimes cause gas as part of the process. They are high in antioxidants and may aid the liver and are said to suppress appetite.  If you are planning on running out to find yourself some dandelion in the local park be sure you check it hasn’t been exposed to chemicals or dog urine.    4. Chamomile Pretty yellow and white daisy flowers are used to make the popular chamomile tea. If you have ever wondered down the tea aisle of your local supermarket you would see that there seem to be 100 different variations of chamomile tea that proclaim to help insomnia and send you off to the land of nod.  What you may not know is that it can also assist in nausea, inflammation and when made into a balm or salve can be rubbed onto muscles and used as a muscle relaxant.  Great for after a big day in the garden or calming muscle spasms caused by menstrual cramps.  It prefers a cooler climate and is great for those part shade spots you don’t know what to plant in. Once it’s established, neglect it. I have killed several chamomile shrubs with too much love. Seriously walk past it ...
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    23 分
  • Episode 17 Move It On - Crop Rotation
    Back in episode 8 of the Self-Sufficiency Made Simple Podcast we covered the difference between perennials and annuals. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet and aren’t sure of the difference make sure you put it on your play next list.  Annuals are different from perennials in many different ways. They are very vigorous growers going through a full life cycle in under a year meaning they grow from seed to a plant that produces seeds for the next cycle. Annuals are shallow-rooted with many annuals having their roots in the top 30 cms of soil and can dry out very fast in unfavourable conditions and they have high nutrient demand to feed their rapid growth.  For convenience, many of us grow our annuals all together in the same garden bed.  For example, in summer we tend to grow all our tomatoes together, in winter we will group our cabbages, broccoli and brussels sprouts together, have an easy to access garden bed with cut and come again green such as lettuce rocket and spinach and we will often build structures for climbing plants such as beans and peas.  This is called monoculture and in nature, this kind of intensive growing doesn’t occur.  Crop rotation is moving our monoculture crops around to different locations each year. This is done in a planned sequence and can be done 2 different ways which I will get too shortly.  I want to give you a visual here. Picture you have 3 garden beds. Last year in garden bed A you planted tomatoes, garden bed B you planted lettuce and garden bed C you planted carrots.  This year you rotate by moving them along the sequence. Garden bed A now has Lettuce, garden bed B has carrots and C has tomatoes. Next year Bed A is carrots, bed B is tomatoes and bed C is lettuce.  You can see that for 2 whole years you don’t grow the same thing in the same bed.  It might seem like a bunch of extra work and at first, it can be a little tricky to get your head around it if you are not a person who likes planning but it is very worth doing.  When we have monoculture gardening a number of issues will arise. The same plants all have the same nutrient demands and this can deplete the soil of those specific nutrients and minerals if grown in the same location year after year.  Using legumes like beans and peas in your crop rotation system is one way to help keep nitrogen balanced and readily available for other crops. Legumes are nitrogen fixing plants. This means They take nitrogen from the air and put it back into the soil in a form that is easily able to be accessed and used by other plants. Legumes are great to plant between heavy nitrogen feeding crops like leafy greens and Solanaceae or nightshade family like tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes.  Another issue is pest and diseases. Like us, pests have particular preferences when it comes to the types of plants that they like and when we plant them on mass it means we have a very concentrated population of pests that eat our crops and lay eggs for the next generation. Beneficial bugs are great at keeping populations of unwanted pests down but they can’t compete with an infestation.  Similar situation with diseases. When we plant the same thing year after year we are cultivating the ideal conditions for disease and soil-borne pathogens to take hold and reinfect the plants year after year.  I mentioned earlier that there are 2 main ways that people like to plant and rotate their crops.  The first is planting by the family group. This means you only plant brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts) in the same bed, nightshades all together (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, capsicum), cucurbits (melon, cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini), alliums (onion, leek, garlic, shallot). This system is great if you like detail, have lots of room and are organised. When you start to plan it can get a bit complicated and many new gardeners give up because of the ‘CBF’ factor... Can’t be fucked.  On the other hand, John Jeavon’s has highlighted a simpler system of grouping annuals by their feeding needs.  There are three groups to consider. One heavy feeders, heavy givers and light feeders. These categories are not all populated equally, with most plants falling into the heavy feeder section. However, using this three-part system to decide on what gets planted where from year-to-year is far simpler and takes much less brainpower and that's why it has me excited to change my rotation plan. Heavy feeders are those plants that need the most nutrients and minerals. all the nightshades, brassicas, lettuce, kale, celery, sweet corn, cucurbits, herbs and asparagus however asparagus is best in its own bed and treated like a perennial. Heavy givers are those that give back nitrogen and other elements to the soil. All legumes including peas, beans, alfalfa, clover and peanuts.  Light feeders are a little less demanding and prefer a not so nutrient-dense soil and include all the onions, leek, parsnip, turnip, carrot...
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    12 分
  • Episode #16 My Autumn ToDo List
    Episode #16 - My Autumn Todo List In temperate zones in the southern hemisphere, we have just transitioned into autumn. It’s cooling off, the colours in nature are starting to change and the garden starts to get a really great vibe.  I love this time of year.  Apart from the cooling conditions and the abundance from the summer harvests still being picked it’s a great time for some regrouping and preparation as well all getting those cool weather plants in.  There are 7 things I do over autumn that help my garden stay productive and prepare for winter and the following spring.  Tidy up    Pick up leaves, chop and drop or chop and compost anything that is spent especially beans, peas and legumes off at ground level, this leaves the nitrogen-fixing roots in the soil to feed the next crop.Pull anything out that is diseased and destroy or remove it. Compost only if you are hot composting.Fix trellising, supports and fencing. Prune Young citrus to shape and promote new vigorous growth in springBlackberries, gooseberries and currants. All require a little different technique so make sure you educate yourself on your specific berries needs.  Composting This is the time of year to build up your compost stores ready for spring. Collect your grass clippings, end of season annual plants and prunings along with anything compostable.If you've had a particularly wet summer like us the grass would’ve needed mowing every 5 minutes, or so it seems, all those grass clippings make great compost.Chop up branches into small pieces, ideally use a mulcher to help get uniformity in size, this helps the compost break down faster.Choose your compost method. Listen to episode 9 from 13th January and download the getting started with compost guide link below. Weeding Pull out any weeds at the roots or cover with wet newspaper or cardboard then add mulch or compost on top.Remove any seed heads and dispose of them or hot compost.The more weeds you remove or retard now the less you will have to deal with in spring. Frost Protection Protect shallow-rooted tender plants with extra layers of heavy mulch and have fleece or other frost protection solutions ready to go for trunks and branches.  Cover Crops Green manure crops such as a one or a combination of lucerne, oats clover, lupins, mustard, fenugreek, pea, beans and buckwheat can significantly improve soil fertility and structure. These take about 6 weeks to mature and have very long roots that go deep and bring nutrients back up to the shallow soil.  Some say cut down before flowering, others say wait until they go to seed. I like letting them flower because the bees are still active and they are looking for pollen, plus I have seen no difference in either way.If you use a tilling method of gardening then dig in the crop and repeat in 2 weeks.If you are a no-dig gardener like me then use a chop and drop method. If you want you can take it further do the same as dealing with weeds. Cover with wet cardboard or newspaper and mulch or compost. This will help it break down and return more nutrients into the soil and the bed will be ready faster.  Plant out and divide Plant early season garlic.Plant brassica seedlings.Silverbeet and English spinach.Broad beans, green beans and peas.Coriander, tarragon, thyme, parsley, oregano and marjoram.Divide evergreens like lemongrass, chives, arrowroot, ginger, globe and Jerusalem artichoke and strawberries. However, I like to let my strawberries run and once established, cut the umbilical cord and transplant the new plant if needed.  This is a great time of year to share with your neighbours or like-minded gardeners. Trade a pumpkin for a divided ginger or trade a weekend of help with a fellow gardener. It's a special time to be in the garden.   This episode is sponsored by my soon to be released Self-Sufficiency Made Simple Composting Masterclass. This masterclass will help you go from wasting food and money to creating your own gold star garden soil system without mess, cost or hard work. The masterclass will show you how to choose, create and get started with your own simple system, all in your backyard.   More information Full show notes at www.sohfarmlet.com.au/podcast Blogs – www.sohfarmlet.com.au/blog Download Free – Chicken Keepers ‘Chicklist’ For Beginners Download Free Guide Getting Started With Composting Newsletter sign up    This Episode Sponsored by This episode is sponsored by my soon to be released Self-Sufficiency Made Simple Composting Masterclass. This masterclass will help you go from wasting food and money to creating your own gold star garden soil system without mess, cost or hard work. The masterclass will show you how to choose, create and get started with your own simple system, all in your backyard. Register your interest via email jo@sohfarmlet.com.au   Reach me Instagram http://www.instagram.com/sohfarmlet/ Facebook http://www.facebook.com/sohfarmlet jo@sohfarmlet.com.au   ...
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