Leadership in today's dynamic world demands more than just managing others -- it requires mastering oneself. Our engaging panel discussions on diverse leadership topics consistently lead us back to a fundamental concept: our internal locus of control and how we respond to the challenges of change. Dr. Ana Kazan eloquently defines self-leadership as "the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling and actions towards your objectives." This powerful idea forms the foundation of our exploration into personal and professional growth. In a lively and interactive conversation, Dotty Posto and Dot Proux, draw from their rich career experiences and their passion for guiding others. Pause, breathe, smile. 😊 We couldn’t plan a two-Dorothy panel if our life depended on it. Serendipity! They offer invaluable insights and practical strategies for enhancing our self-leadership capabilities, empowering us to navigate the complexities of modern leadership with greater wellbeing, confidence, and effectiveness. Summary of key points in the discussion: The critical importance of self-leadership and self-awareness in managerial roles Recognizing and preventing burnout through proactive self-care measures Managing energy levels and aligning work with strengths for optimal performance The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and personal well being The impact of self-care on productivity, creativity, and problem-solving Dot made a point that deserves an underscore apart from the bulleted list. This reminder creates a sound foundation for the rest of the self-leadership tips. Prioritize meaningful relationships with loved ones. Give your work your best but not your ALL. This a reminder of ancient script, “What profit a woman if she gains the whole world and loses her soul?” The insights shared by Dotty and Dot merely scratch the surface of the profound wisdom contained in our full conversation. Their experiences and strategies offer a roadmap for cultivating leadership that goes beyond traditional paradigms, embracing personal growth and well-being as fundamental to professional success. We urge you to make space to listen to the entire discussion to fully absorb the nuances of their personal reflections in addition to their strategies and tips. We also encourage you to comment and reach out to us to have your perspectives in the mix. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking panel discussions on cultivating a leadership beyond. Wherever this exciting journey brings us, let’s not lose sight of the truth: Leadership always begins with leading self! A Leadership Beyond is led by Change Management Consultant Adrienne Guerrero and Leadership Communication Strategist Tom Rosenak, and exists to support the alignment between business strategy and people strategy - to drive results with people not at the expense of people (Talent Optimization). Subscribe to our podcast to join the Leadership Beyond Community of Conversation and hear insights from thought leaders and human development experts leading the way in the field of Talent Optimization. As always, we’d love to hear from you about your insights, challenges, and successes around leading (self and others) through transitions. To learn more visit https://aleadershipbeyond.com.