Lyn Alden and Michael Oliver are this week’s guests. On December 11 Lyn published an extensive report to her paid subscribers titled “Defensive Assets Deep Dive Analysis.” In that report she provided her macroeconomic views as well and how the markets are likely to respond to them. She also addressed the impact of massive Zero Covid lockdown policies on Chinese and global markets and what an apparent reversal of those policies might mean on global commodity prices if, as expected, global economies stagnate in 2023. What are some of the investment sectors that Lyn thinks will help shelter wealth if we are heading into either the unlikely soft landing in 2023 or a sharp and fearful decline like that of 2008? Will owning gold help? What about cryptocurrencies? In light of the fraudulent FTX disaster and Lyn’s recent address at Princeton University’s DeCenter Inaugural Summit, we will ask her if some cryptocurrencies might be of help in protection in a financial storm. Michael will add his usual insights into key markets like the dollar, bonds, stocks, commodities, and precious metals. Your host may opine on his market views as well as a few of his favorite evolving world class gold and silver exploration stock picks as we look forward to 2023.