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Gracious God, it would have been enough if you had given us life and breath,
but you also gave us hearts to love and hands to build and pray and hold each other.
You gave us imagination and ingenuity.
You gave us minds to choose and to perceive and to dream.
You gave us senses-- to taste and feel and see and smell and hear.
You gave us this earth with oceans and mountains, season and rhythms, dawnings and sunsets.
It would have been enough if you had given us life and breath, God, but you have given us far more, always abundantly more.
You gave us Your love and Your presence, Your Spirit to guide us,
And You gave us Your Son, Jesus, the bread of heaven. Amen.
Ephesians 3:14-21
Mark 6:35-44
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We gratefully recognize the talents of Sue Rousseau who filled on organ this morning for us.