I met Sarah through social media and formed a connection with her over a mutual advocacy. This conversation was full of passion, experiences, and shows what a bright light she is in the world. There are some technical glitches so hopefully they don't take away from your listening experience. I didn't do as much editing as normal because I wanted to get this up (even though it was late). I hope you enjoy meeting my new friend Sarah!
Want to connect with Sarah:
IG: @theradicalravenclaw
The Authenticity Experiment is a series of conversations with a variety of people who are exploring their path to authenticity. It asks the question, “how do we discover our authentic selves?” and hopefully provides some answers. It is not meant to diagnose or treat a mental health condition nor is it meant to replace traditional therapy with a trained professional. The experiences and opinions shared by guests are their own.
If you would like to connect with the show:
Instagram: @authenticityexperiment
Email: megan@thatzona.life
If you would like to be a guest or have your experience shared on the show anonymously, please reach out.