THAT'S RIGHT, BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Mr. Corey Eubanks is back with some more STUNT STORIES! But this time you will be able to see him talk, and the guest when we have them on! There will be some episodes where it's just Corey, HAFA, & David and we will talk about some of his old stunts, who he has doubled, and been able to work with. The episodes where he has guest it will just be Corey and the guest, which some will be guest he's had on before, and guest he's just met/worked with! If we post anything that is yours and you would like for us to take it down we will gladly do so. You can either email this profiles email or the producers email. (HAFA) STUNT STORIES - stuntstories25@gmail.com PRODUCER - hafalehefe@gmail.com Be sure to also follow - Corey Eubanks - @coreymeubanks RUFF HAF PRODUCTION - @HAFALEHEFE