Jason Feifer shares how companies that have clear missions are better at navigating challenges and embracing change. If you’re wondering how your company can stand out in the marketplace, he says that first, you should make a great product, but it’s how you tell your story and relate to people that can make the difference. And if you want to build a long-lasting business, he says the key is to make difficult decisions early, while you still have control.
What you will learn:
- Giving back is good for business
- The difference between your What and your Why
- Differentiate with your story
- Sustainable companies can have larger impacts
- The importance of situational awareness
- Resistance is for losers
- Get to your first failure
- “This is about building long-term relationships, and that’s how you make money for a long time to come.” – Jason Feifer
- “Frankly, if you’re going to survive as a business in times like these, then you have to go beyond just offering a product or service. You have to be really meaningful to people in their lives.” – Jason Feifer
- “The companies that are really crystal clear about their mission are the ones that are going to thrive, and the other ones may not have a place in this new world.” – Jason Feifer
- “Can you identify what role you played in people’s lives and then pivot towards that? This is something I think that we all need to be doing all the time.” – Jason Feifer
- “So, the way that you differentiate is not just by the great product that you make, though of course, you should make the best product you can. But it’s also the story that you tell and the way you relate to people.” – Jason Feifer
- “You can’t do good with your company unless your company is profitable. Because otherwise it’s not there to do good with.” – Jason Feifer
- “The only thing you can do with that is to trust yourself and understand what you know and what you don’t know and continually strive to be better and to be open, I think, about what your own concerns are.” – Jason Feifer
- “When people resist a new innovation, the only thing that they really do, is they stop moving and they let everybody pass them by, because the future is not optional. You can’t opt out of the future.” – Jason Feifer
- “There’s an element of faith and risk that goes into anything, and you have to be willing to take that to achieve anything great.” – Derrick Kinney
- “You’re going to have failures along the way, so make sure you at least get to your first failure and then see how you react and see if you can get your company through it, because it’s going to happen. You’re going to have a lot of them.” – Jason Feifer
Free Valuable Report for our Listeners: “3 Beliefs About Money Your Kids Should Learn That No One is Teaching Them”
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Recommended Resources:
- JasonFeifer.com
- Entrepreneur.com