In this engaging episode of Sasquatch Odyssey, hosts Brian, Daniel, and their special co-hosts Jill Roberts and Gwendolyn Purcell, are joined by a diverse guest panel including Ryan RPG Golombeske, Lyle Blackburn, DJ Brewster, Ken Gerhard, and Ron Moorhead. The discussion centers on current advancements in Bigfoot research, the challenges and potential of technology such as drones and eDNA, and the skepticism around AI-generated evidence. The panel also delves into the prospects and hurdles of collaborative efforts among the Bigfoot research community, the intriguing idea of using horses in expeditions, and the ever-controversial question of physical evidence. They also discuss upcoming projects and events related to their pursuit of unveiling the mysteries surrounding Bigfoot and other cryptids.
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00:00 Welcome to Sasquatch Odyssey 00:32 Meet the Co-Hosts and Guests 02:51 Bigfoot Research Roundtable Begins 03:40 Technological Advancements in Bigfoot Research 12:27 The Role of Horses in Bigfoot Expeditions 21:12 Funding and Collaboration in Bigfoot Research 23:15 Reflecting on Childhood Fascinations 23:25 The Importance of Funding in Exploration 24:54 Crowdfunding and Community Efforts 27:08 Challenges with AI in Bigfoot Research 30:42 The Elusive Evidence: Roadkill and Remains 33:36 Collaborative Efforts in Bigfoot Research 41:03 Promoting and Upcoming Events 45:59 Final Thoughts and Announcements
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00:00 Welcome to Sasquatch Odyssey 00:32 Meet the Co-Hosts and Guests 02:51 Bigfoot Research Roundtable Begins 03:40 Technological Advancements in Bigfoot Research 12:27 The Role of Horses in Bigfoot Expeditions 21:12 Funding and Collaboration in Bigfoot Research 23:15 Reflecting on Childhood Fascinations 23:25 The Importance of Funding in Exploration 24:54 Crowdfunding and Community Efforts 27:08 Challenges with AI in Bigfoot Research 30:42 The Elusive Evidence: Roadkill and Remains 33:36 Collaborative Efforts in Bigfoot Research 41:03 Promoting and Upcoming Events 45:59 Final Thoughts and Announcements
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