• 1. The Lord Who Turned The Darkness into Light (Genesis 1:1-5)

    From what perspective should we be reading the Word of God from? We must look into the Word and follow it by believing in the God of righteousness. Then, on what basis should we follow God? We can follow God by faith by believing in God’s Word of righteousness. Our God has promised us with His Word to give us the remission of our sins and He also has fulfilled this promise with His Word. Seeing those who have received the remission of sins by believing in the Word, God approves them as the righteous people. And He gives spiritual blessings of Heaven to us who have become the righteous saints. God is the God of covenant who fulfills the promises that He has spoken to us. We have to meet God and follow Him. However, God is invisible to our naked eyes. Then, how can we meet Him? How can we follow this God only? God has given His Word to us and He meets those of us who believe in this Word, and makes such believers follow Him in this Word.


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  • 2. God Builds His Church Through His Servants

    We humans are the witnesses to the work of creation that God accomplished during the first six days when He created the heavens and the earth. Today I would like to share the Word with you regarding what God actually did on the seventh day of creation. It is written in Genesis 2:1-2, “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” God says here that He completed creating the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them. But on the seventh day of creation He rested, because all His work had ended.


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  • 3. God Has Already Blessed Us the Believers As He Had Blessed Abraham (Genesis 12:1-5)

    I am sure that most of you are very familiar with Abraham. Today’s Scripture reading is from Genesis 12:1-5, which describes how Abraham left his homeland and went to the land of Canaan as God had commanded him to do. And I would like to share God’s blessings with you from this passage.
    God blessed Abraham abundantly. I am sure we all wish that God would also give us such abundant blessings. But, have we not already received these same blessings that Abraham received? Today, I would like us to consider this question carefully and ponder on whether or not God has given us these same blessings that He had given to Abraham.


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  • 4. Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice (Genesis 12:1-4)

    Why does the Bible say here that the Gospel of Matthew is the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, and the Son of Abraham? Abraham is the father of faith. And Jesus Christ, the Son of David, is the King of kings. Hence, His genealogy is a royal genealogy. How is this royal genealogy continued on? How do we continue to give birth to the children of faith? How can we continue to bear spiritual fruit? These are the questions that God wants to address through the above Scripture passages.


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  • 5. God Has Given Us The Same Blessings as Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

    The weather has become quite chilly. It is supposed to reach freezing point by tomorrow morning. Let’s stay warm this winter. As the cold winter approaches, I keep thinking that the time for us to enter Heaven is getting that much closer. I don’t know about you, but I tend to think like this. When the season changes and winter arrives, I tend to think that the time of the Lord’s promise of His eminent return is about to happen. I blame myself for thinking like this because, lets be honest, there is still a lot of work to do. It seems that the change in seasons affects my emotions. When the leaves are green, I feel like working even harder for the Lord and I feel that I must finish these things before going to the Lord. These feelings well up inside my heart. However, when the seasons change, I am happy because the seasonal changes make me think of Heaven and then I can serve God with renewed energy and heart.


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  • 6. Get Out of Your Country From Your Family and From Your Father’s House (Genesis 12:1-4)

    Here, there, and everywhere people are receiving the remission of their sins by hearing the gospel that we are preaching. And so, I feel that those of us who are in the Church should have proper hearts before God. That’s why recently I have been preaching on our hearts as often as I can.
    God has given and blessed us with so many things. We were lacking in so many things, so we prayed to the Lord and He has met our needs. When we asked for material things He gave us material things, and when we prayed for souls He brought souls into our midst. In this way, God has filled our hearts and our needs. And so, I have been thinking about what we need to be asking for and seeking from God as we live each day. And, since God has filled us with material things in order for our hearts to be blessed by Him and for our precious faith to be passed down to our descendants, we must be the people who proclaim the blessings of God.


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  • 7. God and Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4)

    Warm greetings to you all! Since the summer discipleship training camp, we have all labored very hard for the last half of this year to serve and preach the gospel faithfully, even though we have also been busy taking care of our families, studying hard, or holding down a job. Take a look outside. It’s been snowing heavily since yesterday. As everything here is covered in snow, I have every confidence that thanks to our diligent efforts the gospel will also be preached widely to cover the entire world. I see that all of you gathered here today have not changed much from the last summer discipleship camp, and I am very thankful for your unchanging dedication. The very fact that we can once again see familiar faces here is in itself a wonderful blessing of God.


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  • 9. The Laborers of God (Genesis 7:1-24)

    Here God told Noah to take into the ark two pairs of unclean animals, male and female, and seven pairs of clean animals, male and female as well. This is a very important passage. God was telling Noah to save every living species when He judged this world with water. So, all the species living on the face of this earth came into the ark without any exception. Why did God say this? That God told Noah to take into the ark two pairs of unclean animals, male and female, means that He entrusted him with the work of saving every soul. Put differently, God had taken Noah as His laborer to fulfill His will. As you will soon come to understand, Noah worked with God to bring unclean and clean animals into the ark.


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