Think about someone you admire in your field of interest- someone who is at a level you aspire to be. Now think about this: imagine the number of times they had to do the same things over and over and over again until they became so good at it that it grabbed, and held, our attention. So much so that we now aspire to get to where they’re at.
In repeatedly doing the mundane, the boring, the not-so-glamourous they were able to achieve a level of success that motivates us every time we think about them.
In today's session of Note to Self Diaries, I share with you some of the lessons I'm learning about the monotonous habit known as 'repetition.'
If anything I said from today's session resonated with you I'd love to hear all about it. Share your comments with me via email at alicia@notetoselfdiaries.com or you can slide into my DMs on IG and share your feedback there @notetoselfdiaries