Why did priests wear special clothes? Today Emma Dotter is joined by one of Watermark's Men's Community Directors Bo Towns to discuss the meaning of the priests clothing in Exodus 28-29. The priests had a special job that is distinct and set apart, and their special clothing reflects their important role of representing the people to God. We get to read this text in light of the future, knowing that Jesus is the ultimate Great High Priest. He allows us to boldly approach God, knowing that those who are in Christ are already loved and accepted by Him.
Additional Scripture Referenced:
Hebrews 5 – Jesus is the true and better Great High Priest
To hear more of Bo's story, check out this link:
To learn more about the meaning of the priests garments and pomegranates in this passage, check out this link: https://www.gotquestions.org/priestly-garments.html; https://www.gotquestions.org/pomegranates-in-the-Bible.html