New Year. New Season. Lot's more to share on NTSD!
These past few months have opened my eyes to a very important lesson: we don't have to struggle for everything we get to enjoy. It is absolutely OKAY to do and have something just because!
In today's session of Note to Self Diaries, I explore this further by sharing with you how once experience opened me up to saying "yes" to more comfort, more convenience, and more luxury. I also talk about the guilt I experienced after saying, "yes," and the decision I plan to stand by moving forward.
I hope today's session reaches who it was meant for and that you take what's needed.
Please don't be shy with the feedback; I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's topic. Can you relate? Send your comments to alicia@notetoselfdiaries.com or feel free to connect with me through my DMs on IG @notetoselfdiaries.