Howdy Crag Gals! This episode features Juan Luis Toribio Vazquez and Michelle Bloomfield, two climbers changing the narrative for climbing in Jamaica. Join us as we chat with Juan and Michelle about what it means to be a climber in Jamaica, the pros and cons of Jamaica becoming internationally recognized for its limestone crags, and the impacts a developing climbing scene has on its climbers. As mentioned in this episode, Juan has started a Go Fund Me to raise money for the climbing community in Jamaica, and you can find that link here: gofund.me/e3a312b6
HYPERLINK "https://www.instagram.com/jamrockclimbing/followers/mutualOnly"
Thank you all so much again for listening today! And a special thanks goes to our technical director, JJ Wong, as well as the Bellisario College of Communications at Penn State University for making this episode possible. We will be listing the social media links below, so be sure to follow us there!
Instagram: @craggals
Tik Tok: @crag.gals