In episode ten of the third series, we meet Kimberley and hear about the birth of her first baby.
Kimberly had a turnaround in pregnancy and went from having thought she would choose a cesarean to choosing a home birth. Kimberley also talks about her experience of transferring to hospital for stitches after birthing at home.
Topics covered in this episode include support from an NCT teacher, the birthplace study, planning a homebirth after being afraid of birth before pregnancy, PGP - chiropractic and NHS physio support, stretch and sweep, watching comedy, immediate start to strong regular contractions, following your body’s lead for position, labour in birth pool, gas and air, privacy on the toilet - feeling of progress, mooing, birthing on sofa, birthing lying on side, having a cat doula, coached pushing, fourth-degree tear, shower at home then transfer to hospital, mention of tramatic experience in hospital, fourth-degree tear stitched in theatre, overly fully bladder given catheter to rest bladder for a week, home with a catheter, supportive partner, establishing breastfeeding, frequent feeding, long term perspective of feeding and sleep.
For information on the birthplace study check out
More information on the research about homebirth can be found here
Some information about what to expect if you have a third or fourth degree tear