In episode six of series three, we talk to Jordan about her experiences of pregnancy birth and beyond with her first baby. Jordan gave birth in the hospital having had her labour induced. She shares how she has managed her mental health during pregnancy and postnatally including receiving a diagnosis of OCD while in the care of the perinatal mental health team.
Please be aware this episode contains a discussion of a traumatic event during birth and difficult experiences with breastfeeding and postnatal mental health.
Topics covered in this episode include: uneventful pregnancy, pregnancy/birth/postnatal with existing bipolar diagnosis, induction of labour due to high blood pressure, problems with having epidural - change of anaesthetist, long pushing stage, ventouse assisted birth, episiotomy, haemorrhage, stitches in labour room, equipment failure, infection in labour - post birth antibiotics to prevent sepsis, formula feeding, staying with family for postnatal support, postnatal low mood and anxiety, perinatal mental health care, OCD diagnosis, Health Visitor Support.
If you would like to know more about the mental health team mentioned in this episode check out https://www.southernhealth.nhs.uk/our-services/a-z-list-of-services/perinatal-community-mental-health-service
If you would like to know more about perinatal (the year around childbirth) OCD this is a useful resource
If you’re wondering about assisted vaginal birth and would like some information on what happens and why it could be recommended you may want to start with the information from RCOG whose guidance your obstetrician (in the UK) will be following.
If you have an assisted birth you will usually need stitches as episiotomy is almost always part of the procedure. There’s some good information on caring for your perineum while it heals here