In this episode we sit down with Lynn Woods (a chaplain with the Lord's Gym, and director of the S.T.O.R.M. bus) to talk about serving and ministering to individuals caught in addiction, sex trafficking, and prostitution through the S.T.O.R.M (STreet OutReach Ministry) Bus. This is a powerful episode, hearing stories of the Good Shepherd leaving the 99 to rescue and love the 1 lost sheep! Don't miss Lynn's story!
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Check out the "With Him" Podcast website: https://www.mariemontchurch.org/with-him-podcast
Contact info and resources for Lynn Woods, Lord's Gym, and the S.T.O.R.M Bus:
Lord's Gym Website: https://lordsgymministries.org
S.T.O.R.M. Bus Ministry Website: https://lordsgymministries.org/street-outreach-ministry/
Email: lwoods@lordsgymministries.org
Contact info and resources from Raz and Jamie:
Email: razwithhim@gmail.com
Raz and Jamie's church (Mariemont Church, Cincinnati, OH): https://www.mariemontchurch.org
Jamie's website: https://www.jamiemoore.org
Jamie's book, "Friendship with God": https://www.amazon.com/dp/1736292609