In this episode of This Is the Author, meet Academy Award-nominated actor and producer Naomi Watts, former Capitol Hill press secretary and White House speechwriter Tom Rosshirt, and psychotherapist and podcaster Nicole J. Sachs. Hear Naomi Watts on confronting her “worst nightmare” in the recording booth, Tom Rosshirt on the deeply personal experience of narration, and Nicole Sachs on the key difference between recording a podcast and recording an audiobook. DARE I SAY It by Naomi Watts https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/746824/dare-i-say-it-by-naomi-watts/9780593508459/ Chasing Peace by Tom Rosshirt https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/720002/chasing-peace-by-tom-rosshirt/9780593789742/ Mind Your Body by Nicole J. Sachs https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/744988/mind-your-body-by-nicole-j-sachs-lcsw-foreword-by-john-stracks-md/9798217011872/