
  • The CHURCH Disentangled But Not Disengaged From The World Episode 24 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    In this powerful sermon The Church: Disentangled But Not Disengaged From The World, Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston is not abdicating her sovereign authority and rulership in the earth but simply acknowledging the changing of domestic leadership in the United States.
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  • "But You Are Good For Something!" Episode 24 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    There are always people who doubt your ability to do something awesome, they are negative and don't want you to succeed and oftentimes hold you back. But God's word lets us know, "But You Are Good For Something!" Trust God when others doubt and exercise your faith to do what seems to be impossible like those of the Hall of Faith in Hebrew 11, and do what God has called you to do and make your election in Him sure through his belief and power working in you. Praise God, and always remember to use the weapons of your warfare and the Whole Armour of God to defeat those unseen enemies called devil's, because we do not warfare after the flesh according to Eph. 6:12. Wage a mighty warfare and win victoriously. "Suit-up!", Saint's of God, "Suit-up!"
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  • Our Godhead Is One Deity- Triumphant In King Jesus Episode 22 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Monotheism is serving only one deity, one God through King Jesus. Let me strongly encourage you to listen to this awesome sermon teaching about King Jesus and his incarnation which has brought to us the gift of free salvation Eph. 2:8, and how his divinity gives us the right and power and authority to destroy all our enemies using the weapons of our warfare and the whole amour of God. I know you will be blessed as you use the delegated authority God has given us when you obey his Holy written word. Praise God.
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  • Defeating The Enemies Purpose Episode 21 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    This episode of Defeating The Enemies Purpose, of course, if you heard my last sermon then you would know that it is indeed about money. But with the knowledge and understanding of what money can do against you that is not pleasing in the sight of God, King Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    In this sermon I address such issues as a person filled with a spirit of aravrice a person who's desire for wealth and riches is based upon worldly things, selfishness, entitlement, materialism, consumerism and hoarding and those who commit White Collar Crimes against their clients.

    I address other issues such as training your children through chastising based on the written word of God in Proverbs 23:16 in order to deliver their soul from hell when they commit sins of the flesh such as stealing, fighting, and worse. I discuss the destruction awaiting those whose heart is filled with the love of money and how harmful it can be. And that hell or sheol is the place awaiting them.

    King Jesus teaches in John 10:10 what the thief does and wants, the end result is his strategy is to take your soul and cause you to live in eternity in hell. But through King Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection and power delegated to each one who comes to love and serve him he gives power to overcome all the enemies strategy. I present 24 ways to defeat the enemies purposes to take your soul, how to win against them. Yes, we too can win the war against our enemies just like David did in Ziklag against the Amalekites and win victoriously. Praise God, Saint's of God, Suit-up, Suit-up and win the battle against the enemies temptations in life.
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  • ON THE PATHWAY TO PERFECT PEACE :Part 3 There Must Be Steadfastness With Your Whole Armour Of God Episode 20 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    This is my final episode of "On The Pathway To Perfect Peace There Must Be Steadfastness With Your Whole Armour Of God On".

    Praise God, Saints of God. There is so much wonderful information here in this awesome sermon to help you to grow more in the truth of this awesome gospel which God has so wonderfully given us. We learn about how to please him daily in our talk, our walk, our daily living, how we think about God, and how to do regular maintenance on our temple (house), to build upon a solid rock/foundation which is King Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

    Let me encourage each of you to listen to my three (3) part sermons on the wonderful topic and grow more in the awesomeness of God even if you already know most of this sermon by heart there is still a refreshing for the soul of every person who will allow God to breathe new life into them by keeping your conversations pure, and holy, without "morologia" or mo-ro-og-ee'-ah which is foolish talking. Foolish talking often leads to what is known as "sins of the tongue" -shameful speech. Speech that is filled with obscenity or profanity, filthy language.

    What a great way to start a new day in serving the Lord for every new-born soul who comes to him ready to learn and live by faith trusting God for every new day ahead of them. Suit-up Saints of God and be ready to destroy every enemy along your pathway that is fighting against the truth of this awesome Written Word of God, the "logos" and the "Rhema" Spoken Word Of God, against your faith in him.

    We must always remember what this fight is all about and it is a battle for the souls of this world. But we already know the final story, we win, we win, every time, every time we fight together as one, in Gods Holy Army, we are soldiers. Praise God. "Hallelujah!" "Hallelujah!"
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  • On The Pathway To Perfect Peace Part #2: There Must Be Steadfastness In Your Beliefs In God Episode 20 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    When wearing your Whole Armour of God there must be a very strong belief system in place for every mighty vialant soldier in God's Holy Army. There are several areas of great importantce which I address some of the are included in six (6) areas such as beliefs in God, peace "Shalom" with God, loyalty with God, giving to God, hearing and listening to God, turning to God. I aslo address the importance of having humbleness towards our approaching King Jesus, we must do so as a little child even though we are wearing a suit of armour ready for mighty warfare against the enemies of God. Saint's of God we must live up to our call into the mighty army of God remembering the importance of being steadfast in all our ways and in every area which God, King Jesus and the Holy Spirit instructs us from Gods written word. And remember to trust in Him because God created us and knows just how much spirtual warfare is necessary to defeat His and your enemies.Be encouraged and apply these six principles and be ready to receive my next sermon part #3 on Steadfastness in God. We win when we trust, believe and obey and fight together as one, we win, everytime, everytime we fight together as one in this great army and battle against the forces of darkness of this world and worlds system. Praise God. "Hallelujah!"
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  • ON THE PATHWAY TO PERFECT PEACE: There Must Be Steadfastness Episode 18 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Steadfastness is essential towards every step we take in our pursuit of perfect peace. As you know, the third (3) weapon of our warfare in Eph. 6:15 is instructing God's army of mighty valiant warriors to wear (strong) shoes of peace. So therefore we must practice the quality of steadfastness in each part of this awesome and powerful armour of God, and understand that there are several principles to be applied daily to be able to endure in the battle against God's enemies. We show forth our love for God and his people when we destroy their enemies.

    Practicing these seven principles of forgiveness,
    knowing that you have been justified through Christ Jesus because he has removed all guilt, shame and blame for the penalty of sin. Reconciliation means he restored us back to God from the fall in the garden. Redemption means we are set free from mortal sin. Sanctification of the spirit and our beliefs through Christ Jesus we are made more like him daily towards holiness. Water baptized, buried, and raised unto new life in HIM. We are adopted into the Royal family of God unto HIMSELF before the world was formed.

    We must also realize the importance of having goals, a plan, a purpose, a course of study according to 2 Tim. 2:15.

    This pathway also includes, diligence, love, trust in God and not whims, to be concentrated without weakness, faith, hope and offering up prayers daily in King Jesus name, only.

    My next sermon part #2 will include more information regarding more spiritual requirements needed to become and remain steadfast along this pathway to perfect peace with God in this life and in that which is to come. Praise God. You are welcome to come back to hear my next exciting sermon regarding spiritual warfare and steadfastness.
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  • GOD'S SOVEREGIN POWER Part # 4 Against The Snares Of This World, Episode 17 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Saint's of God, now, today, and not only tomorrow, but today use the weapons of our warfare and SUIT-UP and wage a mighty warfare against the evil rulers of this world who misuse power and authority for their own personal gain and not to keep the people safe from our enemies.

    We must know who our enemies are for they are God's enemies, His enemies ought to be our enemies when we name the name of God and King Jesus. We use all the many weapons we have delegated to us, Eph. 6:14-17, 1 Cor. 10:4-6, but we must not fail to use them nor fail to apply them properly for it would mean hurt or death to someone which is intended to live another day, week or years to come.

    We are held accountable to God for every soul we wage warfare on their behalf, we must fight with great knowledge and understanding and courage, for what it truly means to be in the mighty Holy army of God and purpose in our hearts and mind not to let the enemy steal anyone away from God's heavenly presence Rom. 8.

    Suit-Up with courage, and trust in God and King Jesus the Holy Spirit through the written word of God as our mighty "Sword of the Spirit." Praise God. "We win!, we win! every time!, every time! we fight together as one!"
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