From Ed Mabrie of Faith By Reason YouTube Channel Revelation Chapter 1 sets the stage for the entire book. It lets you know who is the subject (Jesus), who the intended audience is (the Churches), and what the message will be (the end times). Revelation chapter 1 also gives the outline of the Book. John is to write the things he has seen (the visions of Revelation chapter 1), the things which ARE (the 7 letters to 7 Churches), and the this which shall be “metatauta” or “after these things” (the future) So the outline is: The things you have seen (Chapter 1) The things which ARE (Chapters 2 -3) The things which will happen in the future (Chapters 4 – 22) In this weeks episode, we will do a deep dive in Revelation Chapter 1, including interpretation of these first set of vision about Jesus and the Lampstands (Hint: the description of Jesus in this vision has NOTHING to do with his physical appearance (or His “race” when He was on earth!) Related links: Revelation Chapter 1 Word of God is like a two-edged sword Tribulation (blog post) Next Episode - Seven Letters to Seven Churches Introduction ~~~ About Ed About Faith By Reason What’s the Point? Faith By Reason Website Faith By Reason on X ~~~~~~~ From Me: Be Good Broadcast I just rebroadcast those spreading The Word. I may not entirely agree with everything that is said. Use your God given discernment. Propagate it. Share it. Contact Me Please Rate or Review on Spotify or Apple. This and all works are protected by CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/begoodbroadcast/support