
  • Arizona AG Mayes cracks down on ORC

    In this episode of Retail's Most Wanted, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes sheds light on the growing issue of organized retail crime and her team's efforts to combat it. With a background in law and public service, Attorney General Mayes brings valuable experience to addressing the complex challenges of retail theft and consumer protection in Arizona.

    The Organized Retail Theft Task Force

    Mayes discusses the Organized Retail Theft Task Force operating out of her office, emphasizing its importance in tackling a problem that extends beyond state borders. The task force collaborates with law enforcement agencies, community members, and businesses both within Arizona and across other states. This multi-state approach is crucial, as organized retail crime often involves operations that span multiple jurisdictions.

    Recent successes: Gift card cloning and baby formula theft

    Two significant cases highlighted by Mayes demonstrate task force effectiveness. A sophisticated gift card cloning scheme was uncovered where criminals stole gift cards from stores, cloned them, and returned the cloned cards to shelves. When unsuspecting customers purchased and activated these cards, the funds were immediately drained. A baby formula theft ring was also dismantled during a time of nationwide shortages after being caught stealing baby formula from various retailers in Arizona and reselling it in other states.

    The broader impact of ORC

    Attorney General Mayes emphasizes that organized retail crime affects more than just businesses. It impacts the entire economy, drives up prices for consumers, and poses safety risks to retail workers who may encounter these criminals. The collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies across states are crucial in addressing this widespread issue.

    By raising awareness and fostering collaboration between law enforcement, businesses, and the public, Attorney General Mayes and her office are taking significant steps to combat organized retail crime and protect Arizona's consumers and businesses.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    27 分
  • Breaking down the INFORM Act

    In the ongoing battle against organized retail crime (ORC), retailers and policymakers are continuously exploring innovative ways to curb criminal activity and protect businesses. One such initiative is the INFORM Act, a significant piece of legislation aimed at making it harder for criminals to profit from stolen goods through online marketplaces. In this episode of Retail's Most Wanted, legal expert Paul Singer discusses the role of the INFORM Act and how it is shaping the fight against ORC.

    What is the INFORM Act?

    At its core, the INFORM Act is a transparency law targeting high-volume sellers on online platforms. Its primary focus is ensuring that platforms collect and verify key information—such as contact details and bank account information—from sellers who meet certain thresholds. These thresholds include having over 200 transactions totaling $5,000 or more within a year. The law applies to major online marketplaces where the sale is transacted directly through the platform, such as eBay and Amazon.

    Challenges and gaps in the INFORM Act

    However, as with many laws, criminals have found ways to adapt. Some have shifted to smaller, high-margin items that are easier to move and harder to track. Others have tried to evade the law by setting up multiple accounts that don’t reach the reporting thresholds, or by taking transactions offline entirely.

    Additionally, the law doesn’t directly target the criminals perpetrating the thefts—it places the burden on online marketplaces to collect information and identify problematic sellers. As Singer points out, this has caused some frustration among law enforcement, as the act doesn’t necessarily result in catching the criminals, but rather provides more data to help track them.

    The role of state attorneys general and future improvements

    State attorneys general play a crucial role in enforcing the INFORM Act alongside the Federal Trade Commission. Many states have implemented their own versions of the law, with some even expanding the provisions to close loopholes. For example, Georgia recently passed amendments to address the offline transaction loophole.

    Looking ahead, Singer believes that further legislative measures could strengthen the act’s impact. States like California are considering amendments to require online marketplaces to take a more proactive role in identifying and reporting suspicious sellers, which could enhance enforcement efforts.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    19 分
  • Harnessing technology to combat ORC

    On the latest episode of Retail's Most Wanted, Mike Shore of Axon discusses the intersection of technology and security in combating organized retail crime. For security leaders and retailers looking to stay ahead of the curve, the message is clear: embrace technology, foster collaboration, and commit to creating safer, more transparent environments.

    Why it matters

    Originally known for its development of tasers, Axon soon recognized the need for body-worn cameras to increase transparency and accountability in public safety. As Shore put it, "People behave better on camera—on both sides." This pivot led to the creation of evidence.com, a cloud-based system that manages and stores digital evidence for law enforcement—a revolutionary tool that is now a staple in police departments around the globe.

    Axon’s success in public safety prompted them to explore how their technology could address challenges in the private sector with a focus on sectors like retail, healthcare, logistics, and critical infrastructure—industries increasingly impacted by violence and organized crime.

    Go Deeper

    Shore and his team at Axon have ambitious goals. One of the company’s moonshots is to reduce deaths between public safety personnel and the public by 50% over the next ten years. This goal is not just limited to law enforcement interactions, but also extends to violent incidents in workplaces like retail and healthcare settings. The company is committed to providing technology that not only helps prevent crime but also enables retailers and law enforcement to work together more effectively when incidents do occur.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    15 分
  • The evolution of robbery investigations

    On the latest episode of Retail’s Most Wanted, Ismael Moreno and Marc Tirheimer, key members of the California Robbery Investigators Association (CRIA) share insights on the evolution of fighting organized retail crime and the critical role of collaboration between public and private agencies.

    Adapting to changing crime trends

    Crime trends have shifted dramatically since the 1970s when bank and armored car robberies were rampant, particularly in Los Angeles, which was dubbed the "robbery capital of the world." As these types of crimes have diminished, new challenges have emerged, such as follow-home robberies and smash-and-grab incidents. Adaptability and education are key to maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of investigators in a rapidly changing landscape.

    The Power of networking and collaboration

    Networking between law enforcement officers and private sector professionals is crucial for sharing information, coordinating efforts, and ultimately solving crimes. The private sector often has information that law enforcement lacks, and vice versa. By working together, both sides can bridge gaps and ensure that criminals do not exploit jurisdictional boundaries.

    Focus on education and training

    CRIA is also deeply committed to education and training. Their conferences are certified by California’s Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) program, allowing law enforcement officers to earn credits toward their certification. Similarly, private sector professionals can earn credits for various certifications, ensuring that all members are well-equipped to handle the challenges they face.

    As crime trends continue to evolve, the need for strong collaboration between law enforcement and the private sector has never been greater. Organizations like CRIA play a vital role in fostering these connections, ensuring that the "good guys" are always one step ahead.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    13 分
  • Understanding the mindset and tactics of ORC

    In this episode, Cory Lowe, director of research at the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC), delves into the complexities of organized retail crime (ORC) and provides valuable insights into the mindset and tactics of criminal groups. Understanding the diverse motivations and methods of ORC is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies.

    Offender profile variability

    The definition of ORC can vary widely, which makes it complicated to tackle. For instance, offenders may range from individuals driven by addiction, who are often less responsive to traditional deterrents, to highly organized groups seeking to maximize profits. This variability in offender profiles necessitates a nuanced approach to prevention and detection.

    The Five Zones of Influence

    The "Five Zones of Influence," is a framework that retailers can use to better understand and protect their stores. These zones encompass everything from the precise location of valuable items within the store to the broader community and cyber domain. By thinking strategically across these zones, retailers can create a layered security approach that not only deters crime but also facilitates effective investigation when incidents occur.

    A comprehensive approach

    A one-size-fits-all solution is insufficient in the fight against ORC. An effective approach must be integrated and comprehensive. This involves everything from maintaining a well-ordered and monitored environment (impression of control) to deploying overt deterrents such as signage and security measures in parking lots. The goal is to send a clear message to potential offenders that the store is a hard target.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    19 分
  • Enhancing security with facial recognition

    One big thing

    In this episode, Dan Merkle, chairman and CEO of FaceFirst, discusses the evolution of facial recognition technology and its application in the retail industry, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between the technology and its use cases.

    Why it matters

    While facial recognition is widely used for everyday conveniences, such as unlocking smartphones, FaceFirst specializes in high-accuracy, uncooperative image capture in crowded environments. This capability is particularly valuable in combating organized retail crime, where individuals commit repeated thefts across multiple stores. By identifying these individuals, FaceFirst helps retailers mitigate losses and protect their businesses.

    Go deeper

    Addressing concerns about privacy and misinformation, Merkle acknowledged the fear surrounding the misuse of facial recognition technology. However, he highlighted the importance of transparency, compliance, and accountability in its deployment. FaceFirst ensures that data on non-offenders is anonymized and purged, while also providing guidelines for responsible use. Creating a safer environment for customers, employees, and communities is a mission we can all support.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    13 分
  • Cutting-edge solutions for combatting ORC

    As a leading retail crime intelligence platform, Auror is revolutionizing how retailers combat organized retail crime (ORC). Auror helps retailers report, solve, and prevent crime, reducing violence and loss in communities. Auror Vice President of Retail Partnerships, Bobby Haskins, envisions a future where the industry collaborates more efficiently, leveraging cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of ORC, ultimately ensuring safer and more profitable retail environments.

    Data-driven offender tracking

    Auror leverages data from various retailers to identify and track the most prolific offenders, responsible for the majority of retail crime and violence. Traditional methods have retailers manually tracking incidents. Auror automates this process, allowing retailers to focus on the most critical 10% of offenders, implementing strategies to deter and apprehend them effectively.

    Law enforcement collaboration

    By integrating license plate recognition (LPR) technology, Auror enables retailers to monitor vehicles associated with repeat offenders, enhancing situational awareness and preemptive actions. Auror recently launched a platform specifically for law enforcement, allowing for direct collaboration with retailers.

    Future outlook

    In the next five years, Auror aims to unify retailers and law enforcement on a single platform, enhancing collaboration and data sharing. This integrated approach is expected to save time, focus on habitual offenders, and drive significant reductions in retail crime. Additionally, advancements in video analytics will further streamline the identification and tracking of suspicious behaviors.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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    13 分
  • Industry legends on ORC and leadership

    In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting two industry titans, Mike Lamb and Tom Arigi, who collectively boast over 84 years of experience in the retail sector. They offered invaluable insights into organized retail crime (ORC) and leadership.

    Organized retail crime: Then and now

    ORC has always existed, but was historically mistaken for individual shoplifting incidents. Modern collaboration in the retail industry has allowed for vital information sharing to successfully combat sophisticated crime rings. Post-pandemic, the violence and risk associated with ORC have escalated, posing significant threats to both financial stability and personal safety in retail environments, and necessitating a robust response from retailers.

    Technological solutions and future outlook

    Integrating disparate technological solutions to create a cohesive ecosystem leverages machine learning, AI, and other advanced technologies to enhance safety and reduce theft. The retail landscape will continue to transform, driven by customer preferences and technological advancements. The key to success will be adapting to these changes and leveraging technology effectively to protect both profits and people.

    Leadership insights

    Mike Lamb stressed a people-first approach to leadership, combined with a focus on results. Building a great team and ensuring they are aligned with the organization's vision is crucial for achieving desired outcomes.

    Tom Arigi shared his guiding principles: Seek to understand before being understood, and value attitude and energy over knowledge alone. He emphasized the importance of fitting into an organization's culture and practicing the golden rule of treating others as one would like to be treated.

    Retail's Most Wanted is presented by LVT and the Attorney General Alliance.

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