
  • Responding to an Evangelical Critic of the LDS Church

    In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner laments that Evangelical and Latter-day Saint Christians do not get along better. He then responds, point by point to an Evangelical Critic who has come up with 50 flawed reasons why the LDS Faith is not true. Martin's Response points out the flaws in the Evangelical pastor's points, and presents facts which prove them to be wrong.

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  • The Best Evidence for the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon

    Requests from a few listeners led host Martin Tanner to present in this episode of Religion Today, a few of the very best evidences of the Book of Mormon, including, (1) although writing on metal plates was unknown in Joseph Smith's day, examples of writing on metal plates during Book of Mormon times have been found in the Middle East and Central America; (2) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, horses were thought to have been unknown to Native Americans until the arival of Columbus, but the Book of Mormon mentions horses, and now examples of horses prior to Columbus have been found by archaeologists; (3) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, Native Americans were thought to use bows and arrows, and spears as weapons, but examples of Head-shields, Head-plates, scimitars, and other items of warfare have been found which verify statement in the Book of Mormon. Martin gives many other examples of evidence Joseph Smith could not have known, which are found in the Book of Mormon, that are now supported by archeology, linguistics and other scientific evidence.

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  • The Best Evidence for the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon

    Requests from a few listeners led host Martin Tanner to present in this episode of Religion Today, a few of the very best evidences of the Book of Mormon, including, (1) although writing on metal plates was unknown in Joseph Smith's day, examples of writing on metal plates during Book of Mormon times have been found in the Middle East and Central America; (2) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, horses were thought to have been unknown to Native Americans until the arival of Columbus, but the Book of Mormon mentions horses, and now examples of horses prior to Columbus have been found by archaeologists; (3) During Joseph Smith's lifetime, Native Americans were thought to use bows and arrows, and spears as weapons, but examples of Head-shields, Head-plates, scimitars, and other items of warfare have been found which verify statement in the Book of Mormon. Martin gives many other examples of evidence Joseph Smith could not have known, which are found in the Book of Mormon, that are now supported by archeology, linguistics and other scientific evidence.

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  • The Lost 10 Tribes

    Host Martin Tanner explains Jewish, Christian and Latter-day Saint ideas about what happened to the Lost 10 Tribes. He explains various explanation about where they are now, and when and under what circumstances they will return

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  • The Best Translations of the Bible

    Martin Tanner points out the pros and cons of some of the most popular, most popular and widely read English Bible translations, including the King James Version, the Good News Bible, the New Revised Standard Version updated edition, New English Translation with over 60,000 scholarly footnotes, and Martin's personal favorite, the Contemporary English Version.

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  • Jewish Sects Before, During and After the Time of Christ

    Martin Tanner describes the Jewish sects that existed about a century before the time of Christ, during the lifetime of Christ, and about a century after, including the Maccabees, Sadducees, Phrisees, Zealots, Essenes, Gelileans, and several Baptist groups. The Maccabees were the first sect within Judaism. The Sadducees denied the resurrection. The Pharisees were the "lawyers" of the New Testament era. They knew the laws of Judaism.. The Zealots did not separate religion and politics, and were the terrorists of their day, killing with knives those who they thought were thwarting the truth. The Essenes were the Dead Sea Scrolls community. They though themselves to be the livers of the higher law.

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  • Near-Death and Shared Death Experiences, Warnings, Miraculous Healings

    Seven forest fire-fighters who died in the flames and saw each other's spirits above their bodies, only to miraculously return to life after the fire had passed. Knowledge of the future acquired during near-death experiences, only to be supressed upon returning to life through the veil of forgetfulness. Premonitions and warnings in the form of actual voices from God or a guardian angel. Miraculous healings, from Multiple Sclerosis and Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Religion Today host, Martin Tanner describes these events, and other rare and lesser known elements of near-death experiences.

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  • Joseph Smith's Inspired Revision of the Bible

    In this episode of Religion Today, Martin Tanner describes what the Joseph Smith's "Inspired Version" or "Inspired Revision" of the Bible is. It is not an inspired revision to bring the text back to the original wording. It is more of an inspired expansion and revision of important passages. Martin provides insights into how to better understand the "Inspired Version."

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