
  • Why We Struggle Following Intuition

    On today's episode, Alex talks about why we struggle following our intuition and how we can change to trust those intuitive nudges and breadcrumb trails.

    Society, which is primarily a patriarchy, respects masculine values over feminine values. The masculine relies on logic, evidence, and tangibles. The feminine relies on intuition, the intangibles, and self-trust.

    It makes perfect sense why we do not initially trust our gut feelings. They aren't "logical enough" for society. Yet, when we distrust our intuition, we experience the consequences. That's okay; we all go through this trial and error.

    It is the point that we say "FUCK IT" and start following our intuition that we experience more love, peace, and success in our lives.

    Women, our intuition is our superpower.

    Share your ah-ha moments, realizations, and your next steps with me on Instagram @relationshipofyourdreams and/or leave a comment here. Let's chat!

    With love,


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    11 分
  • Bouncing Back From Heartbreak With Self-Love, Listening to the Body, and Deep Trust in the Greater Good ft. Dani Stedman

    On today's episode, let's welcome Dani Stedman, a Vulnerability and Somatic Breathwork Coach, as well as a retreat host and beautiful soul.

    After over a decade of putting on a façade of a happy face while secretly struggling with a debilitating eating disorder, she was ready to quit living a lie and start sharing more vulnerably about her struggles. Through her practice of rigorous honesty with herself and others, she was able to find recovery from the disease that she believed would eventually take her life.
    As she learned to share vulnerably, she was able to build deeper connection, find support and accountability, and create a new life of purpose. Now, Dani believes her vulnerability is her very own super power and she’s eager to create that safe space for her clients to share their deep, dark secrets and find the relief of no longer having to suffer in silence. She is a firm believer that we’re only as sick as our secrets, so now she’s passionate about inspiring others to cultivate vulnerability into their own personal strength.

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    • what grieving heartbreak looks like when feeling your feelings and trusting in the greater good
    • tools, practices, and techniques that are helpful in bouncing back from heartbreak
    • the differences between grieving when you do and don't have and practice self-love
    • how to and why you should listen to your body during heartbreak (and in general)
    • how to take your power back post-heartbreak

    Interested in working with Dani?

    • Contact Dani on Instagram: @danilifecoaching @theperfectlybrokenpodcast @danistedman
    • Give a listen to her podcast: Perfectly Broken
    • Join her Perfectly Broken: Path to Power Membership

    Share your ah-ha moments and deep realizations ⁠@relationshipofyourdreams⁠ and Dani on Instagram. Let's come up with your next steps and keep you accountable.

    Rate the show and share with a friend!

    With love,


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    55 分
  • The Value of Your Own Unique Intuition

    On today's episode, Alex speaks about:

    • The value of listening to our intuition
    • The consequences of not listening to our intuition
    • What tapping into our intuition can look like
    • How we can tap into our intuition more

    Connect with Alex via Instagram @relationshipofyourdreams, where you are welcome and free to be vulnerable, share your opinions, your ah-ha moments, and ask for guidance (because we can ALL benefit from guidance here and there).

    If your intuition tells you to reach out, you know what to do.

    With love,


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    10 分
  • Transforming Self-Rejection to Self-Acceptance (*Bonus* a FREE Guided EFT Tapping Experience)

    *Sensitive topic: mentions of abuse

    You've probably heard that we are our own worst enemy, or biggest critic, but have you ever heard that we are our own biggest abusers? Don Miguel Ruiz hit the nail on the head here. The level we abuse ourselves is the level of abuse we will accept from others, including partners.

    Self-abuse comes from self-rejection. And what's the opposite of self-rejection and self-abuse? Self-acceptance and self-love.

    Alexandra guides you through a 10-minute Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping experience at ~13 minutes to ~22 minutes in the episode.

    This experience will help you process the negative emotions and thoughts we have in relation to self-rejection and self-abuse, and then embody positive emotions and thoughts that will leave you accepting and loving yourself more.

    I invite you to leave me a comment and/or DM me on Instagram at relationshipofyourdreams to share your experience. Let's feel into it and talk about it!

    Share this episode with loved ones and others who would benefit from listening. A simple way to spread love.

    With love,


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    23 分
  • Gaining Confidence Back After Losing It In a Relationship & How to Grieve a Relationship ft. Jesse-Wayne Te Amo

    On today's episode, let's welcome Jesse-Wayne Te Amo, a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing) Life and Mindset coach.

    Jesse coaches her clients to success and living a fulfilling life by guiding her clients to find the answers within themselves. She uses a variety of approaches and tools, such as: shadow work, masculine/feminine energy work, menstrual cycle informed practices, habit-building practices, embodiment practices, and more.

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    - how sometimes it's not the break up that makes you lose your confidence, but something during the relationship

    - how to gain your confidence back when you lose it

    - different types of grief

    - how to grieve a break up

    - what shadow work is and why it's helpful

    - what inner peace looks like and why it's essential to a fulfilling life

    Interested in working with Jesse?

    Contact Jesse on Instagram @jessewayne_coaching

    Give a listen to her podcast: Master Your Mindset

    Share your ah-ha moments and deep realizations @relationshipofyourdreams on Instagram. Let's come up with your next steps and keep you accountable.

    Rate the show and share with a friend!

    With love,


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    1 時間
  • Throwing out beliefs that limit your relationship + FREE QUANTUM BELIEF MEDITATION

    *Skip to 10 minutes 15 seconds in for meditation.

    In this episode, Alexandra discusses how your limiting beliefs get in the way of finding and having the best relationship possible (and yes, this does exist for you). She describes that in the quantum field, there are no limits - only open doors and possibilities. Alexandra guides you through a Quantum Belief Meditation, when you'll find yourself feeling inspired to let go of any beliefs in the way of living your best self, in your highest power, and in the relationship of your dreams (and more).

    Share your ah-ha moments, your next steps, and your favorite take-a-ways from this episode!

    Connect with me!

    IG: relationshipofyourdreams

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    26 分

    In this episode, Alexandra shares the many benefits to your relationship of hiking with your partner or date. She talks about how both the downsides and upsides of hiking can improve teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, decision-making skills, communication skills, emotional regulation, interdependence, mindfulness, gratitude, and more that are all essential parts to a happy and healthy relationship. Enjoy!

    Make sure to SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A REVIEW, and SHARE with a friend and on social media.

    Share your ah-ha moments, deep realizations, powerful transformations, and the next steps you're taking after this episode.

    Connect with Alexandra!

    IG: @relationshipofyourdreams

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    34 分
  • How to break up, successfully

    *Disclaimer: this break-up how-to may not be for you depending on the level of abuse experienced in your relationship. Please use discernment.

    In this episode, Alexandra shares a step-by-step break up how-to that leads to a cleaner, smoother, and more successful break up. Alexandra knows that break-ups are often messy, oftentimes due to not knowing what a successful break up looks like (because no one has ever been taught what that looks like).

    Send Alexandra a DM @relationshipofyourdreams on Instagram asking for a document of the break-up how-to. Or, email Alexandra at orlandialexandra@gmail.com requesting the break-up how-to.

    Make sure to SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A REVIEW, and SHARE with a friend and on social media.

    Share your ah-ha moments, deep realizations, powerful transformations, and the next steps you're taking after this episode.

    Connect with Alexandra!

    IG: @relationshipofyourdreams

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    25 分