
  • RNR 324 - Migrating to Expo with Alfred Lieth Årøe

    From Objective-C to React Native to Expo! Robin and Mazen chat with Alfred about migrating his party app in just 4 days. Discover why he made the switch, his preparation process, and the immediate benefits for his 400k-download Norwegian social game. Get practical tips for your own Expo migration journey!

    Show Notes

    1. Alfred's Blog Post on Expo
    2. Evan’s blog on Widgets

    Connect With Us!

    • Alfred Lieth Årøe: @appfr3d
    • Robin Heinze: @robinheinze
    • Mazen Chami: @mazenchami
    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    31 分
  • RNR 323 - Static Hermes with Tzvetan Mikov

    Tzvetan Mikov joins Jamon, Robin, and Mazen to discuss Static Hermes—how it improves React Native performance through bytecode and native compilation. They dive into optimization strategies, the role of typing, and what this means for developers. Plus, insights into Hermes's evolution and what’s next for JavaScript performance in React Native!

    Show Notes

    1. Tzvetan's talk at React Universe Conf 2024

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Jamon Holmgren: @jamonholmgren
    • Robin Heinze: @robinheinze
    • Mazen Chami: @mazenchami
    • Tzvetan Mikov: @tmikov

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    45 分
  • RNR 322 - Building React Native Libraries With Builder Bob

    Burak Güner joins Robin and Mazen to discuss React Native Builder Bob and Create React Native Library—tools that streamline building and maintaining React Native libraries. Plus, insights on upcoming features and the future of library development!

    Show Notes

    1. Work with NPM libraries locally with Yalc
    2. React Native Builder Bob
    3. Create React Native Library

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Robin Heinze: @robinheinze
    • Mazen Chami: @mazenchami
    • Burak Güner: @_atlj

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Igniteand Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    29 分
  • RNR 321 - Expo DOM with Evan Bacon

    Expo's Evan Bacon joins Jamon to dive into Expo’s new DOM components! Learn how they enable incremental web-to-native migration, when to use them, and why they’re a game-changer for React Native developers. Plus, fun insights into Evan’s past as a Lego artist!

    Show Notes

    1. The magic of Expo DOM Components

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Jamon Holmgren: @jamonholmgren
    • Evan Bacon: @Baconbrix

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Igniteand Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    40 分
  • RNR 320 - Silky Smooth Animations

    Catlin Miron joins Jamon and Robin to dive into React Native animations! From reanimated and layout animations to interpolation and motion accessibility, Catlin shares expert insights and best practices to bring your UI to life.

    Show Notes

    1. Catalin’s website
    2. React Native Layout Animations
    3. Reanimated Interpolate
    4. RNR 122
    5. RNR 168

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Jamon Holmgren: @jamonholmgren
    • Robin Heinze: @robinheinze
    • Catalin Miron: @mironcatalin

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    36 分
  • RNR 319 - Shopify goes full throttle on React Native with Mustafa Ali

    This week: Shopify’s Mustafa Ali joins Robin and Mazen to discuss Shopify’s React Native migration! Mustafa talks about how Shopify went all in on React Native, sharing how they improved performance, streamlined development, and boosted the open-source ecosystem!

    Show Notes

    1. Shopify's blog post: Five years of React Native at Shopify (2025)

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Robin Heinze: @robinheinze
    • Mazen Chami: @mazenchami
    • Mustafa Ali: @mustafa01ali

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    36 分
  • RNR 318 - Maintaining Open Source Libraries at Software Mansion

    Kacper Kapuściak from Software Mansion joins Jamon and Mazen for a deep dive into the world of maintaining open source libraries for React Native—what it takes, why it matters, and how tools like Reanimated and Screens keep evolving. They also explore the impact of open source on the community and how developers can stay ahead.

    Show Notes

    1. Minute React Native
    2. Software Mansion
    3. Membrane

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Jamon Holmgren: @jamonholmgren
    • Mazen Chami: @mazenchami
    • Kacper Kapuściak: @kacperkapusciak

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    29 分
  • RNR 317 - React Native Rewind 2024

    The final episode of 2024 is here! Jamon, Robin, and Mazen deliver an exciting year-end wrap-up, celebrating React Native’s biggest milestones, standout moments, and bold changes. Plus, their daring predictions for React Native in 2025—v1.0, perhaps?

    Show Notes

    • State of React Native 2023 RNR episode
    • Microsoft announced the retirement of App Center (RNR 294, RNR 312)
    • React Native IDE (Later renamed Radon IDE) RNR episode
    • Return of React Conf
    • RNR reaches 300 episodes!
    • Chain React 2024 (RNR 295, RNR 303)
    • React Native 0.75 (RNR 313)
    • Nitro Modules announced by Marc Rousavy (RNR 310)
    • React Universe (RNR 307 - React Universe Recap)

    Connect With Us!

    • React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdio
    • Jamon Holmgren: @jamonholmgren
    • Robine Heinze: @robinheinze
    • Mazen Chami: @mazenchami

    This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red!

    Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

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    33 分