Personal behavioral change does not happen in a week, a month or even a year. Lasting change requires intensive education and practice. My guest, Dave Durocher, has transformed from a hardened, violent criminal to a passionate, professional, inspiring man with a heart for serving others. His story will shock, captivate, and inspire you. Dave was given “the opportunity of a lifetime” when a judge allowed him to go to a facility for change, rather than go to prison for the rest of his life. He fell in love with the process, with himself, and with serving others. Tune in to hear how Dave helps people reach the other side by teaching them both fundamental personal management and relationship skills such as keeping one’s promise, accountability, love, charity, and dependability. At The Other Side Academy, students awaken to their own value as they support their peers in finding theirs. They work hard, have a good attitude, and watch out for the next person. The most lost among us are taught to have a life free of addiction, crime and destruction.