In this episode, Eli tells the story of a recent personal encounter he had with antisemitism and the intersectional bigotry that followed from it before he and Jeff discuss the meaning of patriotism. They then wade into the contemporary culture wars on race using Ross Douthat's recent OpEds in the New York Times as an access point to the controversies and dig a little deeper into the work of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi. Jeff levels a withering critique against DiAngelo's concept of white fragility which to Eli's ears sound an awful lot like the tenets of Nonviolent Communication. They then discuss Kendi's insistence that there is no middle ground between racism and antiracism.
Show Notes:
To read Ross Douthat's June 26th OpEd, click/tap here.
To read Ross Douthat's July 3rd OpEd, click/tap here.