• BONUS New Series: Making Time - Chapter 1

    Introducing a new series: Making Time!


    How are you at making time? Do you feel like you have enough time in the day? Do you know if you have enough time in the day? Is there a difference between how you feel about time and what you think about your time?

    This is the first of a 6 part series on Making Time. Everyone has the same number of hours in the day so why do some people seem to get so much more done? Why do some other people seem so rushed and others seem so casual?

    While this series can be listened to on your end, you’ll get more out of it if you listen to it together with someone else, your spouse, family, small group, book/podcast club or whatever. If you want to make it more fun and interactive with your group, download the GROUP Method discussion guide here: https://lumivoz.com/making-time/

    And we are giving away 50 free GROUP Method Notebooks. Each notebook has premium BLACK paper and comes with a white pen. To get a free notebook, you can do 1 of the following:

    1. Leave a review on your podcast app of choice.
    2. Share the podcast on social media.

    Take a screenshot of either one and email it to makingtime@lumivoz.com

    This podcast is just launching and still very small so if you enter, you are probably going to win! But here’s the catch, only 1 notebook and pen per email entry. If you want one for each member of your group, they each have to enter. Sorry, we can only afford to ship to the US and Canada at this time but will hopefully have some more international options soon, especially if y’all share this podcast and it gets popular enough ;)

    Music in this episode comes from
    Artlist.com and Musicbed.com
    - Good Time by Ben Fox
    - The Sin by Francesco D’Andrea
    - Theater Maginus by Marco Martini
    - String Arpeggios
    - The Great Wild by Out of Flux
    - The Sky Within by Romeo
    - I Owe It To You
    - Premiere by Adrian Berenguer
    - Lily’s Bounce

    Edited using Descript

    And for more great podcasts check out https://lumivoz.com

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  • BONUS EPISODE: Friend of God series from Simple Faith With Rusty George

    Check out the Simple Faith podcast with Rusty George, the lead pastor at Crossroads Christian Church. Rusty and the Simple Faith podcast are doing a brand new limited experience in the month of June called, "Friend of God"

    This is a sneak peek at the first of the 40 episode series, for the full series, look for "Simple Faith With Rusty George" on your favorite podcast app or by clicking here: http://www.pastorrustygeorge.com

    This first episode: Ever thought about what it means to be "the one Jesus loves"? In today's devotional, we're kicking off our series with a deep dive into this incredible concept. John faced unimaginable trials, yet he defined himself by Jesus' love. Join me as we explore how viewing ourselves as loved by Jesus can reshape our identity and transform our daily lives.

    About Rusty: Rusty George is the Lead Pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie. Under his dedicated leadership, Crossroads Christian Church aspires to flourish as a vibrant community committed to guiding individuals in their journey to discover and follow the path of Jesus.

    Beyond leading Crossroads Church, Rusty is a global speaker, leader and teacher focusing on making real life simple. Rusty has also written several books and can be heard weekly on his podcast, Leading Simple with Rusty George.

    Aside from being a loyal Chiefs, Royals, and Lakers fan, Rusty is first and foremost committed to his family. Rusty has been married to his wife, Lorrie, for over twenty-five years, and they have two daughters, Lindsey and Sidney. As a family, they enjoy walking the dogs, playing board games together, and watching HGTV while Rusty watches ESPN on his iPad.

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  • BONUS New Series: The Way of a Worshiper: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study

    Coming November 13th, a brand new series from Pastor Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church.

    Are you looking for God? The pursuit of God is the chase of a life time. In fact, its been going on since the day you were born. The question is: Have you been the hunter or the prey? This small group study is not about music. Its not even about going to church. Its about living your life as an offering of worship to God. Its about tapping into the source of power to live the Christian life. And its about discovering the secret to friendship with God.

    In this four-week study, Buddy Owens, author and teacher, will help you understand the meaning of worship. Through his very practical, engaging, and at times surprising insights, Buddy shares truths from Scripture and from life that will help you understand in a new and deeper way just what it means to be a worshiper.

    Be sure to subscribe today so you don't miss this great new series!

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  • Session 7: Dedicate It To God

    Where do you get the power to be dedicated? In this episode we look at Jesus's own answer to that important question.


    What has been most meaningful to you in what we have studied together during these seven weeks?


    Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

    Romans 12:1


    1. Are there ways you’ve discovered that help thankful joy take the lead in your life?
    2. How have you seen purity expressed in what you pursue?
    3. How have you personally experienced the truth that the
    4. greatest joy in life comes not from what you get but from
    5. what you give?
    6. What are some specific places you’d like the group to pray
    7. for as you seek to keep your dedication refreshed?


    God’s five purposes for each of us are evangelism, discipleship, fellow- ship, ministry, and worship. In this section, we’ll look at how we can take practical steps to fulfill one of those purposes based on the truths we’ve looked at in this study.


    Spend some time this next week reviewing and thanking God for the truths that grow out of the book of Nehemiah. Dedicate yourself to living these truths through the power that God gives in Christ.


    Pray for one another’s needs.
    As you finish this study, talk about whether there is another

    book you’d like to read together and discuss as a group.

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  • Session 6: Celebrate To Sustain Your Joy

    How are you being restored in order to rebuild? God is working in your life to restore you in order to give you the strength to rebuild. Find out how God is doing so and in what ways.


    1. Did you have the opportunity to encourage someone this week? Did God give you some ideas for a ministry to others that can grow out of what he is restoring in your life?
    2. Would you rather celebrate quietly or celebrate loudly?


    “The joy of the LORD is your strength.”

    Nehemiah 8:10


    1. Is there someone you need to put things right with so you can deepen your celebration in worship?
    2. Describe a time when the truth of God’s Word shone out to you as you worshiped with others.
    3. How have you found celebration in feasting, in sharing with others, or in stillness?
    4. How do you relate to the following sentences from this chapter?

    “You find yourself grinding away at spiritual habits, trying to become more powerful, when the real intent is that you become more joyful. Feeling powerful is not your strength; the joy of the Lord is your strength.”


    God’s five purposes for each of us are evangelism, discipleship, fellow- ship, ministry, and worship. In this section, we’ll look at how we can take practical steps to fulfill one of those purposes based on the truths we’ve looked at in this study.


    A burst of joy often comes when we share with someone else the good news of what God is doing in our lives. Go around the group and have each person share the name of someone they’re praying for to begin a relationship with Christ.

    In the week ahead, pray for these people whose names have been shared—that they will come to faith in the Lord Jesus.


    Pray for this group of people you just mentioned and for one another’s needs.

    Talk about whether there is another book you’d like to read together and discuss after you finish this study next week.

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  • Session 5: Build On Your Successes

    What makes someone a good "rebuilder"? What tools and skills do I need to be a good rebuilder? Pastor Tom Holladay shares from the book of Isaiah the skills needed to be, not just a rebuilder, but a great rebuilder.


    1. Ask if anyone had a victory in the face of the opposition we inevitably face as we put things together again.
    2. What God-given successes are you most grateful for?


    So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.

    When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.

    Nehemiah 6:15–16

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  • Session 4: Expect And Reject Opposition

    Wouldn't it be great if rebuilding was done with only help from friends? But that rarely happens! You're going to face opposition and challenges. How did Nehemiah handle opposition and how can we learn from it?


    1. Talk about your experiences of writing a thank-you note to someone each day (or even one day) this last week.
    2. When you face opposition, is your first reaction to want to engage or to want to escape?


    Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

    Ephesians 6:13 NLT


    1. What helps you redirect your thoughts in the face of negative talk or gossip?
    2. Is there a new strategy you need to consider in order to reposition your forces as you face some kind of attack on your faith, family, or business?
    3. Is there an area of discouragement you’re facing where the group could pray for you?
    4. When you face distraction, what helps you regain your focus?


    God’s five purposes for each of us are evangelism, discipleship, fellow- ship, ministry, and worship. In this section, we’ll look at how we can take practical steps to fulfill one of those purposes based on the truths we’ve looked at in this study.


    Scripture memory has proven to be one of the keys to victory in the lives of many believers. Memorize the key verse for this week, or one of these verses that address the four strategies for winning the battle.

    When you are ridiculed

    Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

    Romans 8:1

    When you are attacked

    We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; per- plexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

    2 Corinthians 4:8–9

    When you are discouraged

    Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

    1 Peter 5:6–7

    When you are distracted

    I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

    Philippians 3:14


    Share and pray for one another’s needs as you close your group meeting.

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  • Session 3: Appreciate Others

    How do you stay motivated over the long haul? Appreciation is one of the most powerful tools for staying motivated and inspired to rebuild.


    1. Did you see any answers to prayer this last week?
    2. Who is one of the most thankful people you know?


    How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence.

    1 Thessalonians 3:9 NLT


    1. What person are you thankful for?
    2. How have others’ expressions of appreciation to you made
    3. an impact on your life?
    4. What do you think would help you be more appreciative
    5. and get better at expressing appreciation to others?
    6. What did this chapter say to you about how you express
    7. appreciation to God?


    God’s five purposes for each of us are evangelism, discipleship, fellow- ship, ministry, and worship. In this section, we’ll look at how we can take practical steps to fulfill one of those purposes based on the truths we’ve looked at in this study.


    Write a note of thanks and encouragement to someone each day this week.


    Pray prayers of thanksgiving to God together as you end your group discussion.

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